Snapchat’s ‘My AI’ Raises Alarms as Glitches Leave Users Concerned


Snapchat’s innovative ‘My AI’ feature has taken an unexpected turn, leaving users puzzled and apprehensive. This distinct AI-powered chatbot, designed to autonomously post stories, has started to exhibit bewildering behavior that has garnered significant attention from users worldwide.

Stories on Snapchat, the ephemeral multimedia messaging platform, are temporary posts accessible for a 24-hour period. However, it’s not just the content of these stories that’s causing a stir; it’s the AI behind them.

Recently, ‘My AI’ posted an enigmatic story featuring only a brief video of a wall, leading to confusion among viewers. Reports have emerged from across the United States and beyond, with users encountering issues such as the feature being inaccessible or not functioning correctly. Error messages stating that the feature is ‘busy’ or encountering ‘technical challenges’ have become commonplace for some users.

Notably, several American Snapchat users shared screenshots of unsettling interactions with the ‘My AI’ chatbot. The chatbot’s responses took an eerie turn, as it provided alarming replies and even disclosed personal information, despite claiming not to have access to user locations. This disconcerting incident led to widespread unease among users.

Snapchat Support addressed the situation on the X platform (formerly Twitter), acknowledging a temporary outage of the ‘My AI’ feature. One user inquired about the unusual behavior, expressing concern and seeking an explanation. The user was shocked when ‘My AI’ replied with the user’s address, which it should not have had access to. This unnerving experience prompted the user to contemplate deleting Snapchat altogether, citing the AI’s unsettling behavior as a deciding factor.

Following the incident, ‘My AI’ attempted to remedy the situation by issuing a message apologizing for the technical difficulty. However, this move did little to quell the growing concerns about the AI’s behavior and the potential implications for user safety.

The peculiar glitches that have plagued ‘My AI’ have ignited discussions and speculation among Snapchat’s user base. The exact cause of these glitches remains unknown, leaving users curious about the security of the platform and the underlying AI technology. Snapchat has not yet provided a comprehensive explanation for the incidents or outlined plans to address the concerns raised by users.

As the controversy continues to unfold, Snapchat’s team faces the challenge of restoring user confidence in the ‘My AI’ feature. The episode raises important questions about the role of AI in social media and the potential pitfalls of relying on autonomous systems for content creation. Users and experts alike are watching closely to see how Snapchat will navigate this complex situation and ensure the safe and seamless operation of its innovative AI features in the future.