Disney’s Tangled, the enchanting tale that captured hearts with its 2010 animated film debut, is weaving its magic toward a new horizon—a stage version is currently in the developmental workshop phase. This revelation, initially reported by the Hollywood Reporter and subsequently confirmed by BroadwayWorld, heralds an exciting venture for Disney Theatrical Group as it explores the potential of bringing the beloved story of Rapunzel and her luminous, magical hair to the theater.
Tangled, inspired by the classic German fairy tale “Rapunzel” from the Brothers Grimm’s collection, narrates the adventures of a spirited young princess with an extraordinary head of hair. Yearning for freedom, Rapunzel embarks on an adventure beyond her secluded tower with the help of an unlikely companion, setting the stage for a tale of discovery, love, and bravery. The film, celebrated for its humor, heart, and captivating music, featured the vocal talents of Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi, and Donna Murphy, with memorable melodies crafted by the renowned duo Alan Menken and Glenn Slater.
Despite this theatrical adaptation’s enthusiasm, its future, including a potential Broadway run, remains mysterious. Disney Theatrical has a history of developing titles for various formats, not limited to Broadway’s grand stages but also professional licensing and educational opportunities. Thus, the path for Tangled’s transition from screen to stage is yet to be disclosed.
The story of Tangled has already seen adaptations beyond its original film, including a short sequel, Tangled Ever After (2012), a prelude television series, Tangled: Before Ever After (2017), and a subsequent series, Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure. Notably, Tangled: The Musical graced the Disney Cruise Line’s Disney Magic in 2015, hinting at the story’s theatrical potential with new songs by Menken and Slater.
As the development of Tangled’s stage version unfolds, audiences worldwide wait with bated breath. Rapunzel’s journey from her tower to the stage promises to be as enthralling as her original quest for freedom. With Disney’s track record of transforming cinematic treasures into theatrical spectacles, this new adaptation is poised to be another jewel in its crown. Whether it dazzles Broadway or finds a home in schools and professional theaters, one thing is clear: the magic of Tangled continues to flourish, inviting us again into its enchanting world.