
“Hogwarts Legacy” Game Introduces First Trans Character


A highly anticipated new video game set in the world of “Harry Potter” appears to introduce the franchise’s first trans character.

“Hogwarts Legacy,” an action role-playing game, takes players on a journey through Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hogsmeade village, Diagon Alley, and other iconic locations from the books and movies.

During one of the game’s quests, players encounter Sirona Ryan, the owner of the Three Broomsticks pub in Hogsmeade. 

Although the character doesn’t explicitly identify as trans, a line of dialogue hints at it: “Hadn’t seen him in years when he came in a few months ago,” Sirona says about a goblin the player is searching for. “But, he recognized me instantly, which is more than I can say for some of my own classmates. Took them a second to realize I was actually a witch, not a wizard.”

The game’s release is set for Friday, but early access for some platforms has already provided glimpses of the game’s details, which video game journalists and streamers have teased.

Players and fans have taken note of the detail, with some questioning the character’s name choice, which they say has a distinctly masculine connotation. Others have pointed out that the name “Sirona” refers to a Celtic goddess of healing and rebirth.

The presence of a trans character in the game is particularly significant in light of the ongoing controversy surrounding author JK Rowling’s views on transgender people. 

Rowling has expressed support for trans individuals, articulated gender-essentialist ideas, and criticized mainstream transgender rights movements.

Despite Rowling’s views, the game’s director, Alan Tewe, has emphasized the importance of making sure players feel welcomed and at home in the Wizarding World. 

“We know that’s a diverse audience,” Tewe told IGN. “For us, it’s making sure that the audience, who always dreamed of having this game, had the opportunity to feel welcomed back. That they have a home here and that it’s a good place to tell their story.”

Despite the controversy surrounding JK Rowling’s views, “Hogwarts Legacy” has generated significant excitement among fans of the “Harry Potter” franchise. 

The game offers players a chance to immerse themselves in the magical world of Hogwarts, explore new locations, and interact with various characters, including the potential trans character Sirona Ryan.

The fact that the game appears to include a trans character has garnered both praise and criticism, with some players and fans expressing hope that the representation will be handled sensitively and respectfully. 

Others have expressed concern that the character’s presence may be used to further an agenda that goes against JK Rowling’s views.

Regardless of the controversy, “Hogwarts Legacy” promises to be a thrilling and magical adventure for fans of the “Harry Potter” franchise, offering players a chance to explore the world of magic and cast spells as they uncover the secrets of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

Whether the game will live up to the expectations of fans remains to be seen, but for now, excitement is high, and the anticipation is palpable as players prepare to embark on their journey to Hogwarts.