Trump Administration Official Supporting DeSantis’ Presidential Bid


A former White House official who implemented Donald Trump’s strict immigration policies, Ken Cuccinelli, is now breaking away from the former president and urging Republican Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, to run for the presidency in 2024. During Trump’s presidency, Cuccinelli, a former Virginia Attorney General, was a high-ranking Department of Homeland Security official. Once suggesting that the inscription on the Statue of Liberty only referred to European immigrants, he was a staunch defender of the administration’s immigration policies.

However, Cuccinelli announced that instead of supporting Trump’s third bid for the White House, he had created the Never Back Down PAC, a political action committee to support DeSantis’ potential presidential run. This move is one of the most significant defections by a former Trump supporter in the early stages of the 2024 campaign season and comes as potential and declared candidates are seeking support.

“I have been speaking to many conservative activists across the country who are enthusiastic about Governor DeSantis running for President in 2024,” Cuccinelli stated. “The Republican Party is on the rise, and grassroots conservatives view the Governor as a leader and fighter who will lead them to victory in 2024. Based on these conversations, I am confident that we will build a powerful grassroots political movement to support Governor DeSantis on his journey to the White House.”

A Trump campaign spokesman did not respond to a request for comment. The Never Back Down PAC, filed with the Federal Election Commission in late February, is a super In the absence of direct coordination with the candidates, PACs can raise unlimited funds to support their preferred candidates. The group still needs to disclose information about any funds it has raised.

A promotional video released publicly on Thursday, which does not mention Trump by name, calls for “new conservative leadership” and highlights DeSantis’ conservative culture war battles since his Florida governor election. “America’s future is Ron DeSantis. He doesn’t just talk, he acts, and most importantly, he never backs down,” Cuccinelli said in the video. “Governor DeSantis, I’m asking you to run for President.”

DeSantis has not yet officially announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential race, but his popularity has grown among Republicans, particularly after he handled the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida and his support of conservative causes. Cuccinelli’s support is a significant boost for DeSantis’ potential run, and it remains to be seen how other former Trump supporters and Republicans will respond to this new development.

The formation of the Never Back Down PAC is also a notable departure from the typical support of a former president by his former officials. It indicates a potential shift in the Republican Party and the direction it may take in the future. With the 2024 presidential election still over a year away, seeing how this new PAC and its support for DeSantis will impact the race and the party’s future will be interesting.

Ken Cuccinelli, a former White House official known for his hardline immigration policies during the Trump Administration, has broken away from the former president and is now supporting Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in his potential run for the presidency in 2024. The formation of the Never Back Down PAC is a significant development in the early stages of the 2024 campaign season, and it remains to be seen how this will impact the race and the future of the Republican Party.