Nigerian Drummer Encourages Youth to Embrace Local Instruments


Nigerian musician Adebayo Ayodeji focuses on teaching children to play traditional instruments, such as drums, out of concern that they might disappear, taking a vital part of the nation’s cultural heritage.

In Lagos, the bustling megacity, parents bring their kids to Ayodeji’s bi-monthly drumming workshops, where they learn to play the drums and grasp their cultural importance.

In Nigeria, drums serve as musical instruments and play significant roles in ceremonies and rituals, such as communicating with deities and calling village meetings.

“Our goal is to revive our cultural values,” said Ayodeji, observing that many children had never encountered these drums.

“They haven’t had the chance to play them, which provides an opportunity to introduce them to the instruments. In a way, we’re using it for art evangelism,” he added.

Ayodeji’s dedication to preserving Nigerian culture has drawn support from parents and the community, who recognize the importance of passing down traditional knowledge to the next generation. Ayodeji hopes to instill a sense of pride and appreciation for their cultural roots by engaging children in these workshops.

Beyond the drums, Ayodeji plans to expand his workshops to include other traditional instruments, such as the talking drum, shekere, and kalimba. He believes that by familiarizing children with these instruments, they can carry on the rich musical heritage of Nigeria and ensure its survival for generations to come.

The workshops not only teach children how to play the instruments but also educate them on the history, cultural significance, and proper techniques for playing. Through hands-on experience, the children learn about these instruments’ unique roles in Nigerian society and the broader African context.

As word of Ayodeji’s workshops spreads, he hopes to collaborate with schools, cultural centers, and local governments to establish more programs that promote the study and preservation of traditional Nigerian music. Ultimately, his vision is to create a vibrant community of young musicians who will cherish and maintain the nation’s cultural legacy through their artistry.