Artist Transforms Swiss Mountain Slopes into Massive Art Canvas


An artist has transformed the mountainous landscape of Villars-sur-Ollon, a quaint village in Switzerland, into an enormous artistic canvas, utilizing chalk and charcoal to illustrate two colossal frescos of children interpreting the expansive world surrounding them.

These frescos are directly applied onto the grass, their durability fluctuating depending on the weather, lasting several days at times. They depict a young boy and girl, engrossed in their sketchpads, drawing whimsical lines to represent mountains, trees, the moon, and stars.

The Swiss-French artist, SAYPE, explains that his frescos span roughly 3,000 square meters (or 3,590 square yards) and are visible from the mountaintop and neighbouring pastures, underscoring the importance of eschewing uniformity in favour of diverse perspectives.

“Even though the children are at different altitudes and hence capturing different scenes, their unique depictions beautifully complement each other,” said SAYPE.

The artist is predominantly renowned for his “Beyond Walls” series, wherein he used spray paint to create enormous images of hands clasped together on the ground, spread across numerous global cities such as Berlin, Paris, Istanbul, and Cape Town.

In a world increasingly homogenized by globalization, SAYPE’s artwork provides a refreshing divergence from the norm. His larger-than-life frescos, etched on the green canvases of Switzerland’s mountain slopes, remind us of the beauty in diversity and the boundless potential for creativity. Whether it’s the innocently profound sketches of children or interconnected hands across international cities, SAYPE’s work prompts us not just to observe but truly see the world from various perspectives.