Exceptional Chinese Buddha Statue to Go Under the Hammer at Bonhams in Paris


A precious Chinese Buddha statue, discovered in a French household and believed to be part of a long-lost set, is predicted to command a price of 1 million euros ($1.1 million) at a Paris auction slated for June 13.

The auctioneer, Bonhams, reveals that this particular statue is a scarce wooden depiction of the Buddhist Bodhisattva Guanyin, a religious artifact from the 12th-13th century during the reign of the Jin dynasty.

Standing over a meter tall, this artwork last changed hands in the 1930s when a family purchased it from Boulogne, a suburb of Paris. The family wishes to keep their identity under wraps.

Monumental sculptures like this were initially crafted for Buddhist temples.

The head of Bonhams Chinese Art, Caroline Schulten, mentioned that the family was unaware of its value until they requested an appraisal.

“The current generation inherited the statue and has been housed in a private residence,” she said.

“What transpired post the previous sale is that the statue lost the fingers from one hand… since they were intact when sold in 1932. As per the anecdote, ” There were children playing football around it, so some damage occurred,” Schulten elaborated.

Bonhams believes that only a select few such artifacts are likely left globally, with most residing in museums.

“The fact that this is among the few survivors is intriguing. It’s conceivable that more pieces from this collection could lurk in France, Belgium, or Switzerland. The potential sale of this statue or the attention it garners might prompt others to examine their collections and realize, ‘We own a similar piece,'” Schulten remarked. ($1 = 0.9305 euros)

In an era where precious artifacts are becoming increasingly scarce, this auction provides an opportunity to acquire a piece of religious and cultural history. It’s more than just a statue; it’s a tangible link to the 12th-13th century Jin dynasty, a time of artistic flourish and spiritual exploration. As this extraordinary piece readies to find a new home, it may also pave the way for the rediscovery of its lost counterparts, rewriting an essential chapter of Buddhist art history.