Hundreds of Fraudulent Votes Found in Prestigious Hugo Awards


The prestigious Hugo Awards, known for honoring the best science fiction and fantasy works, faced a significant scandal this year. The administrative team revealed that hundreds of votes were cast fraudulently for one finalist, casting a shadow over the awards’ integrity.

Discovery of Fraudulent Votes

The Hugo Awards’ administrators disclosed that nearly 10% of the votes were fraudulent. Out of 3,813 votes, 377 were disqualified. The team said many votes were cast under “obvious fake names.” They noted patterns such as “a run of voters whose second names were identical except that the first letter was changed, in alphabetical order” and “a run of voters whose names were translations of consecutive numbers.”

The Suspicious Candidate

Most of these fraudulent votes were cast for a single candidate, “Finalist A.” The administrators chose not to reveal the finalist’s identity due to insufficient evidence linking them to the ruse. “This data pattern is startlingly and obviously different from the votes for any other finalist in 2024, and indeed for any finalist in previous years,” the administrative team explained.

The Cost of Fraud

The fraudulent voting scheme required significant financial investment. Membership for the World Science Fiction Society, which is required to vote, costs about $58 (£45). The 377 fraudulent votes would have cost approximately $21,900 (£16,960) in membership fees. A confidential report indicated that one individual had been sponsoring others to join and vote for their preferred candidate.

Outcome and Assurance

Once the fraudulent votes were removed, “Finalist A” did not win their category. John Scalzi, a finalist for his book “Starter Villain,” praised the Hugo Awards’ transparency. On his website, Scalzi wrote, “To the person or persons going out of their way to try to screw around with this year’s Hugo: You just threw a whole lot of money into the trash, pal.”

Maintaining Integrity

The administrative team reassured the public, stating, “We want to reassure 2024 Hugo voters that the ballots cast were counted fairly. Most of all, we want to assure the winners of this year’s Hugos that they have won fair and square, without any arbitrary or unexplained exclusion of votes or nominees and without any possibility that their award had been gained through fraud.”

Looking Ahead

This year’s Hugo Awards ceremony is being held in Glasgow, Scotland. Next year, the event will be hosted in Seattle, Washington, continuing the tradition of celebrating science fiction and fantasy excellence.

The Hugo Awards have faced a challenging year with the discovery of fraudulent votes. However, the transparency and diligence of the administrative team have ensured the awards’ integrity remains intact. As John Scalzi aptly put it, the fraudulent efforts were futile, reaffirming the credibility of this prestigious event.