Renowned Photographers Spearhead Fundraising Campaign for Ocean Preservation


A tranquil image of a manatee mother and her offspring in Florida’s eelgrass and a captivating snapshot of seahorses dining on plankton late-night are among the limited-edition prints slated for sale this month. These prints are part of a “100 for the Ocean” campaign to rally 100 eminent photographers to fundraise for ocean preservation.

This initiative, orchestrated by celebrated photographers Paul Nicklen, Cristina Mittermeier, and Chase Teron, will be active throughout May, offering prints for as low as $100.

The co-founders firmly believe in the transformative power of art to “unite the world and voice the narratives of creatures reliant on the ocean for their existence.”

“Photography serves as a portal into this enigmatic realm, displaying the astonishing array of life and ecosystems dependent on a thriving ocean,” expressed Teron.

Teron aspires for sale to gather a minimum of $1 million. “With the collective strength of the 100 photographers on our team and our community of ocean enthusiasts, we believe this is feasible, though not without challenges,” he added.

Net profits will be directed to the SeaLegacy Canada Foundation, which plans to augment its conservation work and aid other marine-focused organizations via media partnerships and opportunities for documentary storytelling, according to a press release. SeaLegacy was founded by Nicklen and Mittermeier with the mission of employing storytelling as a tool to preserve the ocean.

A study published in 2020 posits that annual investments of $175 billion are requisite to conserve and sustainably utilize the ocean, in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14 – “Life Below Water.”

“We, as a small collective of photographers, are merely contributing a drop in this ocean,” Mittermeier stated in a press release. “However, we hope to spotlight the ocean and its needs.”

The ocean faces many challenges; over 17 million metric tons of plastic found their way into the sea in 2021, and it is expected to double or triple by 2040, as per the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022. Additionally, the ocean is threatened by global warming, overfishing, and acidification.

“The wellbeing of our ocean is inextricably linked to the wellbeing of our planet. By protecting the ocean, we safeguard its diverse inhabitants and our future,” Teron emphasized.

The “100 for the Ocean” campaign, curated by Kathy Moran, former deputy director of photography at National Geographic, showcases prints from globally acclaimed photographers like Steve McCurry, Jimmy Chin, and Joel Sartore.

Teron noted that the mission of “100 for the Ocean” struck a chord with many photographers, providing them an avenue to make a profound difference through their craft.

“100 for the Ocean” is a unique and inspiring initiative, harnessing the power of art to draw attention to the urgent need for ocean conservation. Photographers from across the globe have answered the call, contributing their exquisite works for a cause that resonates deeply with their shared love for the planet.

Each image captures the profound beauty and diversity of marine life, offering a glimpse into a world that is often unseen but is inextricably tied to our own. From the vibrant coral reefs teeming with life to the serene seascapes that embody tranquillity, each print serves as a poignant reminder of what is at stake.

The campaign is an exemplary model of creative advocacy, demonstrating how art can serve as a powerful catalyst for change. Each purchase not only supports the work of talented photographers but also contributes directly to essential conservation efforts. The campaign aims to raise funds, foster a greater appreciation for the ocean and its inhabitants, and inspire public action.

The co-founders hope this initiative will serve as a stepping stone for further conversations about ocean health and the necessary actions to protect and preserve our marine environments. As Mittermeier put it, “Every image is a conversation starter, an opportunity to engage with others about the vital importance of the ocean in our lives.”

The “100 for the Ocean” print sale will continue throughout May, with new works being added regularly. The co-founders encourage all who appreciate the ocean’s beauty and conservation urgency to explore the collection and consider purchasing a print to support this crucial cause.

As the project progresses, the team plans to expand its reach and impact by partnering with more photographers and conservation organizations. They believe that together, through the combined efforts of artists, conservationists, and the public, it is possible to make a significant difference in the health and sustainability of our world’s oceans.