Exhibition of Six Shakespeare First Folio Editions in London


Next week, London will host a remarkable exhibition featuring six exceptionally rare first-edition compilations of William Shakespeare’s plays, marking the largest display in Britain, according to auction house Christie’s.

The event celebrates the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s First Folio, published in 1623, and will take place at Christie’s London showroom from May 2 to May 26. Following the exhibition, the copies will be returned to their owners.

Shakespeare’s friends compiled and published the editions seven years after his death. The First Folio includes 36 of his 37 plays, organized for the first time as comedies, tragedies, and histories.

Margaret Ford, Christie’s International Head of Books, explained the significance of the First Folio, stating that without it, approximately half of Shakespeare’s works, including ‘Macbeth,’ ‘Julius Caesar,’ and ‘All’s Well That Ends Well,’ might have been lost. It is estimated that 750 copies were initially published, with 235 surviving in various conditions today.

In 2020, a First Folio was auctioned for $9.97 million. Five exhibited copies are from private collections, while the sixth belongs to the University of London’s Senate House Library.

Ford emphasized the rarity of this event, noting that it is a unique opportunity for the public to see six First Folio copies together. To provide context, she mentioned that even displaying four documents simultaneously, as the British Library did 100 years ago for its 300th anniversary, is rare.

This exceptional exhibition offers a rare opportunity for literature enthusiasts and scholars alike to gain insights into the history and evolution of Shakespeare’s works. The display of the six First Folio editions together not only underscores their cultural significance but also highlights the rich literary heritage of the United Kingdom.

The event is expected to attract many visitors and generate renewed interest in Shakespeare’s contributions to English literature. Furthermore, the exhibition provides an occasion for experts to study the differences between the individual copies and gain a deeper understanding of the publication history of the First Folio.

For those interested in learning more about Shakespeare’s life and works, the exhibition also serves as a springboard for related events and discussions surrounding the playwright’s lasting impact on the literary world. The 400th anniversary of the First Folio is a significant milestone that encourages reflection on the enduring relevance of Shakespeare’s works in contemporary society.

Ultimately, this unique exhibition of six Shakespeare First Folio editions in London is a testament to his plays’ timeless appeal and importance. As the world continues to celebrate the legacy of one of the most influential playwrights in history, the display serves as a reminder of the lasting impact of Shakespeare’s works on the literary landscape.