Unveiling Ancient Secrets: Peru Unearths 1,000-Year-Old Mummies in Lima


In a remarkable discovery that links the present to a distant past, a team of archaeologists in Peru has recently uncovered four ancient mummies of children, estimated to be over 1,000 years old. This significant find was made in one of Lima’s oldest neighbourhoods, steeped in historical richness and once revered as a sacred ceremonial space. This discovery offers a unique window into the Ychsma culture, a pre-Incan civilization that thrived along Peru’s central coast.

The mummies were unearthed on Monday, alongside the remains of an adult, offering a rare glimpse into the burial practices and cultural significance of the Ychsma people. This culture, predating the expansive Inca Empire, was pivotal in shaping the region’s history.

Luis Takuda, an archaeologist overseeing the excavation in Lima’s Rimac district, emphasized the site’s historical importance. “This whole area is a critical ceremonial chamber,” he remarked, noting the discovery’s location at the foot of a staircase leading to what is believed to have been a hidden temple. According to Takuda, this temple likely dates back 3,500 years ago, underscoring the site’s long-standing sacred status.

The preservation of these mummies is remarkable, with Takuda pointing out that their skulls still retained hair. Accompanying these human remains were various ceramics, adding layers to our understanding of Ychsma’s artistic and cultural expressions.

Lima, the bustling capital of Peru with a population of around 10 million, is a treasure trove of history, hosting approximately 400 archaeological ruins. However, Peru’s largest and most famous archaeological sites, like Cusco, are outside the capital. Cusco, the heart of the Inca Empire, succumbed to Spanish conquistadores in the 16th century, marking a pivotal moment in the region’s history.

The discovery of these ancient mummies in Lima enriches our understanding of Peru’s pre-Columbian history and bridges the gap between past civilizations and the modern world. As archaeologists continue to excavate and study these findings, they unravel the mysteries of a culture that the grandeur of the Inca Empire has long overshadowed. This excavation in Lima’s historic district is a testament to the layers of history beneath our feet, waiting to be rediscovered and retold.