Water Company Employee Discovers Ancient Gold Necklaces in Spain


In the hills of northwestern Spain, a remarkable discovery was made by Sergio Marciandi, an employee of a local water firm. He stumbled upon two gold necklaces, believed to be roughly 2,500 years old, while working in Cavandi, Asturias.

Spotting a glinting necklace amidst rocks, Marciandi quickly reached out to Pablo Arias, a distinguished professor of prehistoric archaeology at the University of Cantabria. Arias relayed this astonishing story to CNN.

On investigating the location with experts from the Asturias Archaeological Museum, they found a second necklace, unfortunately fragmented. Arias commented on the rarity and significance of the find, mentioning how it could enhance our comprehension of the Iron Age, the era they originated from.

Historically, while other similar necklaces have been unearthed, their discoveries in the 18th and 19th centuries meant much contextual information was missed due to then-limited archaeological methods. However, this recent discovery offers a preserved site, granting an enriched understanding of the necklaces’ background.

Arias elaborated on the necklaces’ uniqueness: “Our knowledge about their exact location is quite precise. It’s truly an exceptional find.” This breakthrough might illuminate many facets of a relatively obscure period.

Evidence of wear on the necklaces indicates their usage, with marks evident where they touched skin and clothing. Arias added, “These necklaces represented the elite—only a select few could possess such luxury.”

Although precisely dating them poses a challenge, Arias suspects they’re not older than 2,500 years.

Asturias’ regional government commended Marciandi for promptly alerting authorities. They expressed enthusiasm in a recent statement, emphasizing the necklaces’ exquisite craftsmanship and their importance in unveiling the mystique surrounding the prominent jewelry style of Iron Age goldsmiths.

The discovery in Cavandi serves as a testament to the unpredictable and timeless wonders that the Spanish terrain still holds. As researchers endeavour to unlock more secrets from these necklaces, the world waits with bated breath. Sergio Marciandi’s inadvertent discovery not only solidifies the depth of Spain’s rich history but also reiterates the belief that sometimes, the most significant discoveries are stumbled upon when least expected.