
AMLO Poses Concerns Over Tesla’s Factory in Nuevo León


Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has raised concerns over the suitability of Nuevo León as a location for Tesla’s factory due to a lack of water in the region. 

Previously, the Federal Government had two options for the electric car manufacturer’s plant: Nuevo León or Hidalgo. However, President López Obrador has now indicated that the water conditions in the north are not favourable for the plant and has suggested that the south of the country, where 70% of the country’s water is concentrated, could be a better option.

The President explained that the water shortage in Nuevo León is due to both the growth of the industry and the influx of workers, which increases the population and domestic consumption of water. 

As a result, the government plans to inform all companies planning to invest in the country about the natural resources and services available in the area they want to establish themselves.

While President López Obrador will personally discuss the situation with Tesla executives, the Secretary of Foreign Relations and the Secretary of Finance will be in charge of holding talks with the company and examining locations that can provide water without additional stress on the aquifers.

The President has approved of the work being done by Samuel García in Nuevo León but believes that there must be a national plan that prioritizes the needs of the people. 

The Federal Government will continue with works to ensure water supply in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey, including the construction of the “El Cuchillo” dam aqueduct, which is expected to be completed by mid-2023.

López Obrador believes that the southern part of Mexico could also be suitable for Tesla’s plant as it concentrates 70% of the country’s water. 

He has proposed that population growth should be directed towards the Gulf coasts, where more water is available.

President López Obrador has raised concerns over the suitability of Nuevo León as a location for Tesla’s factory due to a lack of water in the region. 

He has suggested the south of Mexico as a possible alternative, where 70% of the country’s water is concentrated, in order to ensure sustainable growth and adequate water supply for both the industry and the local population. 

The Federal Government is working on ensuring water supply in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey and is open to exploring different locations for Tesla’s plant that can provide adequate water without putting additional stress on the aquifers.