Growth Stocks 2024: Healthcare Innovators on Wall Street’s Radar


As we step into the new year, Wall Street is abuzz with predictions of which stocks are poised for tremendous growth in 2024. One trend catching investors’ attention is the expected outperformance of small-cap growth stocks. Thanks to the likelihood of Federal Reserve interest rate cuts and their attractive valuations relative to larger peers, these small-cap stocks are in the spotlight. Among them, three healthcare companies are generating considerable excitement – Beam Therapeutics, Edgewise Therapeutics, and Monte Rosa Therapeutics.

Beam Therapeutics – Pioneering Genomic Medicine

Beam Therapeutics is at the forefront of genomic medicine, utilizing a revolutionary technique called base editing. Unlike traditional CRISPR gene editing, base editing offers more precision without causing double-stranded DNA breaks.

The company is initially targeting diseases like sickle cell disease, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, and glycogen storage disease type 1a. Analysts predict an 82.5% increase in Beam’s stock price over the next 12 months, primarily driven by anticipated clinical updates.

Edgewise Therapeutics – Transforming Muscle Disease Treatment

Edgewise Therapeutics is focusing its efforts on developing treatments for severe muscle diseases, including Becker and Duchenne muscular dystrophies. Their lead candidate, EDG-5506, holds promise in this area.

Additionally, the company is working on EDG-7500, designed to address hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a condition with substantial market potential. Despite its small market cap, Wall Street analysts are optimistic, projecting a 164% increase in Edgewise Therapeutics’ shares over the next year.

Monte Rosa Therapeutics – Exploring Molecular Glue Degraders

Monte Rosa Therapeutics is venturing into uncharted territory with molecular glue degraders (MGDs). This novel therapeutic approach has attracted the attention of major pharmaceutical players like Roche, Bristol Myers Squibb, and Merck, who are collaborating with Monte Rosa in exploring MGDs’ potential in various medical areas.

Although the platform is still in the proof-of-concept stage, analysts believe that Monte Rosa’s stock could surge by 152% over the next 12 months due to clinical updates related to their lead candidate, MRT-2359.

High-Reward Opportunities with Caution

Investing in these high-potential healthcare stocks comes with inherent risks. Beam Therapeutics, Edgewise Therapeutics, and Monte Rosa Therapeutics are all pioneering technologies with uncertain outcomes. However, the potential rewards are equally significant, making them attractive opportunities for investors looking to diversify their portfolios and tap into groundbreaking innovations.

As we look ahead to 2024, the healthcare sector offers exciting prospects through these three small-cap growth stocks. Beam Therapeutics’ base editing technology, Edgewise Therapeutics’ focus on muscle disease treatments, and Monte Rosa Therapeutics’ exploration of molecular glue degraders all have the potential to disrupt their respective fields. While the risks are high, so are the potential rewards, making these stocks worth watching for those seeking growth opportunities in the healthcare industry. Wall Street analysts are certainly keeping a close eye on them as they predict substantial gains in the coming year.