
Netflix Orders Animated Spinoff Set in Stranger Things Universe


Netflix has announced that it has ordered a new animated spinoff set in the Stranger Things universe. The Duffer brothers, the creators of the original series, are still on board for the spinoff, which is expected to become a significant driver of subscriber growth for Netflix.

Animated Adaptations Find Success

Animated adaptations of live-action shows such as Batman: The Animated Series and Star Wars: The Clone Wars have found success, giving hope for the Stranger Things spinoff. This is due to their repeatability and potential for merchandising. Additionally, animated series tend to perform well on streaming platforms.

Low-Risk, High-Reward Idea

The spinoff is a low-risk, high-reward idea with an above-average chance of success. The animated series could solidify Stranger Things as a cornerstone franchise for Netflix.

Details on the Spinoff

Although few details have been revealed about the spinoff, fans can expect it to feature the same spooky and mysterious elements as the original series. Given the creativity of the Duffer brothers, the spinoff is sure to have its own unique spin on the Stranger Things universe.

Animated Spinoff to Increase Subscriber Growth

With Netflix’s recent announcement that it is moving into the gaming industry, the animated spinoff could become an important part of the streaming platform’s strategy to increase subscriber growth. This is especially true given the popularity of Stranger Things and the potential for the spinoff to attract a new audience.

Animated Shows are a Hit on Streaming Platforms

Animated series have been a hit on streaming platforms, with shows like The Dragon Prince, Bojack Horseman, and Rick and Morty finding success. The repeatability and potential for merchandising make animated shows an attractive investment for streaming platforms like Netflix.

With the success of animated adaptations of live-action shows and the popularity of Stranger Things, the spinoff is a low-risk, high-reward idea that is sure to be a hit with audiences. As Netflix looks to increase subscriber growth and move into the gaming industry, the animated series could become an important part of the company’s strategy. Fans of Stranger Things can look forward to another journey into the Upside Down with the upcoming animated spinoff.