
Emergency Savings: Easy Steps to Add $10 a Week


A recent survey has revealed a concerning statistic: 63% of Americans lack the funds to cover an unexpected $500 expense. This financial vulnerability highlights the critical importance of building an emergency fund.

While the idea of saving might seem daunting, setting realistic goals can make a significant difference. One such goal is adding $10 to your savings account every week. In this article, we’ll explore four practical ways to achieve this without drastically altering your lifestyle.

Cut Back on Store-Bought Lattes

For many, store-bought lattes are a daily treat, providing the caffeine boost needed to kickstart the workday. However, the cost of these daily indulgences can quickly add up. Consider this: a grande-sized Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks can cost nearly $6. If you’re grabbing one multiple times a week, you may be unknowingly spending more than you think.

The solution? You don’t have to give up your lattes entirely. Instead, buy fewer of them. If you typically purchase four each week, cutting that down to two can free up $10 for your savings. This way, you can still enjoy your favorite coffee while gradually increasing your savings.

Dump Unneeded Streaming Services

Streaming services have become a staple in many households, but it’s easy to overlook unused subscriptions. Take a moment to review your streaming accounts. If you find services like Netflix and HBO Max gathering digital dust, consider canceling them. By eliminating these unnecessary subscriptions, you can save up to $40 each month, equating to $10 per week added to your savings.

If you’re an Amazon Prime member, remember that you have access to Prime Instant Video at no extra cost. This might make it easier to part ways with other streaming services while still enjoying quality entertainment.

Shop Smarter at the Supermarket

Groceries are an unavoidable expense, but a little mindfulness can go a long way in saving $10 a week. Plan your meals around cost-effective ingredients and keep an eye out for sales. For instance, if your local supermarket offers a discount of $1 per pound on chicken thighs this week, buying 10 pounds for your famous chicken stew could immediately contribute $10 to your savings.

By making strategic choices and being vigilant about deals, you can trim your grocery bill without compromising on the quality of your meals.

Optimize Your Costco Membership

If you’re a Costco member but find yourself not using your subscription to its full potential, it’s time to rethink your shopping strategy. Consider doing more bulk shopping at Costco for items your household regularly consumes. For example, if you buy fruit, milk, and ground beef weekly, purchasing these items at Costco might save you $10 compared to a regular supermarket.

However, be cautious and only buy items in bulk that are part of your standard shopping list. Taking a chance on products you hardly use could result in wastage rather than savings.

Gradual Progress Towards Financial Stability

Putting money into your savings account can be challenging, but it’s crucial for financial security. Starting with a goal of adding $10 a week to your savings is a realistic and manageable first step. By cutting back on store-bought lattes, canceling unused streaming services, shopping smarter at the supermarket, and optimizing your Costco membership, you can gradually build a financial safety net.

Remember that you don’t have to adopt all these changes at once; finding the right combination that suits your lifestyle and goals is key to financial success.