Making Homeownership Work: A Patient Approach to Closing Deals


When it comes to the journey of purchasing a new home, there’s more to it than just sealing the deal. A recent real estate story sheds light on the benefits of adopting a patient perspective when agreeing to a long closing time. In this narrative, we explore the reasons behind a homebuyer’s decision to embrace a delayed closing date, highlighting how this choice can lead to better outcomes in the long run.

A Thoughtful Timeline: Reasons for a Prolonged Closing

  • Respecting the Transition: Often, buyers are eager to secure a closing date in the near future. However, the protagonist of our story opted to extend the closing period to provide ample time for the current homeowners to resolve lingering issues. With a tenant still residing on the property, the sellers needed space to ensure she found suitable accommodation. Furthermore, there were outstanding claims and necessary repairs that needed attention before the property could be sold. This approach prevented potential future headaches and allowed the sellers to prepare the house for a smooth transition.
  • Seizing Opportunity Amidst Challenges: The house in question wasn’t even on the market when the buyer made an offer, a bold move that positioned them to secure an exclusive deal. Recognizing the property’s issues, the sellers had intended to delay listing it. By agreeing to a prolonged closing, the buyer demonstrated flexibility, ultimately leading to a favorable offer that might not have been possible otherwise. The strategy showcases the importance of aligning with seller needs for a competitive edge in negotiations.
  • Optimal Mortgage Maneuvers: Patience pays off, especially when it comes to finding the perfect mortgage. The extended closing period granted the buyer ample time to shop around for the most advantageous mortgage loan. Avoiding hasty decisions on interest rates and lenders, the buyer ensured that they made an informed financial choice. This underlines the significance of allowing time for diligent mortgage exploration, potentially saving substantial amounts in the long term.
  • Empowerment Through Savings: Beyond the tangible aspects of the home purchase, the lengthy closing time also provided the opportunity for the buyer to save additional funds. While the down payment and moving costs were covered, the house required renovations. The extra months before closing offered a cushion for the buyer to fund the remodeling expenses out of pocket, eliminating the need for additional borrowing.

A Lesson in Homeownership Strategy

This real-life story serves as a valuable lesson for prospective homebuyers navigating the complex terrain of real estate transactions. It underscores the importance of flexibility and patience when considering a closing date. By accommodating the sellers’ needs, the buyer managed to secure not only a dream home but also a deal that might not have been attainable otherwise.

Aspiring homeowners are advised to carefully assess their personal circumstances, urgency to move, and financing capabilities before committing to a specific closing timeline. In instances where sellers require flexibility, being willing to adapt to their terms could yield significant advantages, potentially leading to a more favorable outcome in the pursuit of homeownership.