Credit card debt can easily sneak up on unsuspecting consumers, especially when it comes to seemingly small balances. A recent study reveals that a $1,000 credit card balance, if not managed properly, can lead to exorbitant interest charges and prolonged debt. In…
According to Kokou Agbo-Bloua, a prominent economist at Societe Generale, central banks have reached a critical juncture in their fight against inflation. Despite the headline figure slowly approaching the Federal Reserve’s target of 2%, core prices, which exclude volatile food and energy…
In a world driven by innovation and rapid technological advancements, investors are constantly on the lookout for lucrative opportunities. If you’re interested in thematic investing and want to align your portfolio with emerging trends, we’ve got you covered. Today, we explore four…
Upcoming Interest Rate Decision The Bank of Canada (BoC) will press ahead with another interest rate increase in July. This comes despite predictions that the yearly inflation rate will considerably decelerate. The upcoming consumer price index report, unveiled by Statistics Canada this…
Inflation Takes a Dip, But Grocery Prices Remain High Canadians continue to grapple with rising grocery prices despite a slight reduction in Canada’s inflation rate, with a 3.4% year-over-year increase in May 2023 compared to April’s 4.4% rise. The inflation data from…
Earlier this year, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak promised to cut inflation in half by year-end, eyeing the crucial 2024 general elections. At the time, the annual consumer price inflation was at 10.1%, and many economists believed that this figure would naturally…
In the realm of personal finance, determining the optimal amount to have in your savings account can be a challenging task. While it’s crucial to have a safety net for emergencies and upcoming expenses, hoarding excessive funds in a savings account could…
Investing in the stock market doesn’t require a large sum of money. Even if you have a modest amount to spare, consistent investments can yield significant returns over time. For instance, consider the example of Amazon stock. If you had invested $100…
In an increasingly interconnected global economy, small businesses are recognizing the potential of expanding their operations beyond national borders. However, the lack of sufficient funds often acts as a significant hurdle to realizing these ambitions. Enter the Small Business Administration (SBA) and…
The specter of inflation looms large as last year witnessed the fastest rise in prices in over four decades. While there are signs of inflation waning, concerns remain regarding the stickiness of service costs. To safeguard investment portfolios during uncertain times, investors…