Initial Glimpses of Snow White Remake Highlight Inclusive Casting for ‘Magical Creatures’


The revamped Disney Snow White film is now in the spotlight, with its initial glimpses available to the public.

Rachel Zegler, known for her role in West Side Story, is cast as the beloved Snow White in this live-action adaptation of the iconic tale. This week, on-set photos from Bedfordshire surfaced, offering a preview of the eagerly awaited movie.

Though 22-year-old Rachel wasn’t pictured in her Snow White attire, body doubles were spotted for both her and Andrew Burnap, 32, who introduces a fresh character named Jonathan.

The film’s casting, presenting performers of varied genders, ethnic backgrounds, and statures as the rebranded ‘magical creatures’, suggests a modern and inclusive retelling of the Disney classic.

This fresh narrative sees Andrew’s character, Jonathan, replacing the traditional Prince.

While some have raised eyebrows over the film’s progressive take, dismissing it as ‘politically correct’ or ‘woke’, many are eager to observe how this unique casting approach will unfold.

Recent photos depict cast members and extras embarking on a magical quest in an expansive meadow.

Despite not seeing Rachel in the iconic red cape this week, she has been sighted before in the complete Snow White ensemble.

Initial uncertainty arose about the authenticity of the images when first released them. A representative from Disney soon refuted their authenticity, stating, ‘The photos are fake and not from our production. We’re currently seeking a correction from the Daily Mail.’

However, in a twist, the Daily Mail asserted that the pictures involved stand-ins for Rachel Zegler and Andrew Burnap.

Clarifying further, a Disney spokesperson told The Independent, ‘The photos showcased [by the Daily Mail] aren’t our official movie shots. They depict stand-ins and neither feature Rachel Zegler nor Andrew Burnap.’

As the entertainment world buzzes with anticipation and speculation about the revamped Snow White film, it’s evident that this adaptation is not just about retelling a beloved story but also about reflecting a more inclusive and diverse modern world. Regardless of early reactions and debates over authenticity, the promise of a fresh, inclusive take on a classic story will captivate audiences globally when it finally hits the big screen.