JUJUTSU KAISEN: World’s Most In-Demand Animated TV Show


In a dynamic shift in animated television, JUJUTSU KAISEN has become the world’s most in-demand show, a title previously held by Attack on Titan since 2020. Based on the captivating manga series by Gege Akutami, this anime has captivated audiences worldwide, surpassing its competitors with a staggering demand rating. This article delves into the factors that contributed to its monumental rise and the unique appeal that has resonated with its audience.

Unprecedented Global Demand

Analyzing JUJUTSU KAISEN’s Stellar Popularity

According to Parrot Analytics, JUJUTSU KAISEN boasts a demanding rating 71.2 times greater than the average television show. This measurement of ‘demand’ includes various factors such as viewer attention, engagement, and consumption across multiple platforms. Parrot Analytics’ methodology, which integrates data from streaming views, social media activity, and research actions, highlights the extensive and multifaceted appeal of the show.

Narrative and Character Appeal

The Enthralling Tale of Yuji Itadori

At the heart of JUJUTSU KAISEN’s success is its compelling narrative, which follows Yuji Itadori, a high school student embroiled in the dangerous world of Jujutsu Sorcerers. Itadori’s battle against the evil Curse, Sukuna, offers a blend of high-stakes drama and captivating character development that has struck a chord with a global audience.

Competitive Landscape

JUJUTSU KAISEN Outshines Its Rivals

Despite fierce competition from established series like One Piece and the concluding chapters of Attack on Titan, JUJUTSU KAISEN emerged in 2023. A pivotal moment came with the release of new episodes in its second season, which aired from July until the end of the year. This culminated in a demand peak on December 29 at 128 times that of the average show.

Demographic Dynamics

Gen Z’s Overwhelming Support

A significant factor in JUJUTSU KAISEN’s triumph is its popularity among Gen Z viewers, who comprise 71.3% of its audience. This demographic has shown a greater connection with the series than One Piece and Attack on Titan, demonstrating the show’s ability to resonate deeply with younger audiences and influence trends within the anime community.

JUJUTSU KAISEN’s ascent to the pinnacle of animated television is a testament to its exceptional storytelling, innovative engagement strategies, and the emotional support of its youthful audience. As it continues to enchant viewers and shape the cultural landscape, it stands as a beacon of the evolving dynamics within the anime industry and a model for future productions aiming to capture the hearts of a global audience.