Mystery Revealed: Daft Punk’s Augmented Reality Initiative in Mexico City’s Zócalo


The celebrated French electronic music pair, Daft Punk, is set to deliver a range of Augmented Reality (AR) experiences in Mexico City.

While there won’t be a live concert by Daft Punk in the Zócalo, a variety of AR experiences will be made available, and we’re here to divulge all the pertinent details.

To commemorate the tenth anniversary of their Random Access Memories album (2013), Mexico City has been chosen as the venue for several distinct AR experiences, all of which can be accessed via the Snapchat application.

This information was verified by Snapchat, who recently disclosed their collaboration with Daft Punk’s creative team to produce three immersive music experiences for their fans.

Wondering how to get involved in these experiences? It’s simple – to be a part of this, you need to open your Snapchat camera and scan the original Random Access Memories album cover (2013). Doing so will reveal Daft Punk’s new glass helmet and play the Horizon track.

The second experience is a global treasure hunt, set to unfold in ten cities worldwide – hence, the mysterious coordinates that had people talking. To join in, go to the Zócalo de la Cdmx, activate your location, and open Snapchat to locate the “gems” Daft Punk has secreted away.

The final experience will be accessible from May 11 through to May 28. It can be accessed via billboards situated around Cdmx. When you find one, don’t hesitate to scan the provided QR code to unearth some exciting surprises. Are you geared up to join in this celebration?

As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Daft Punk’s iconic album, the world of augmented reality promises to take fans on a unique and immersive journey. It’s an opportunity to relive the music of Daft Punk in a way never experienced before, right in the heart of Mexico City’s Zócalo. So, grab your phone, open Snapchat, and prepare for this extraordinary celebration. Whether you’re a long-time Daft Punk aficionado or a newcomer, this AR initiative offers a unique way to engage with and appreciate their music. Let the festivities begin!