The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) faced an unexpected setback with releasing “The Marvels,” which recorded the franchise’s weakest opening weekend at a mere $47 million domestically. Hopes of flying “higher, further, faster” were dashed as the latest MCU installment fell short of…
Netflix has set the virtual stage for a thrilling journey back to the elemental bending world with the highly anticipated live-action adaptation of “Avatar: The Last Airbender.” Scheduled to debut on February 22, 2024, the streaming giant stirred excitement amongst fans during…
After months of halted productions and absent stars, Hollywood is on the brink of bustling activity again. The recent deal between actors and major studios signifies the return of favourite shows and films and an unprecedented shift in the industry. This agreement,…
Hollywood’s wheels turn again as the dust settles on the picket lines. Beth Goodnight, the dynamic head of a famed Hollywood construction company and prop shop, became a barometer for the industry’s revived heartbeat as her phone buzzed incessantly with the end…
After 118 days of standstill, the Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) has reached a watershed moment. A unanimous vote from the union’s negotiating committee has ratified a tentative agreement that promises to end the longest actors strike…
The world-renowned, sarcastic orange cat, Garfield, returns triumphantly in the latest animated film, “Garfield: Out of the House” (The Garfield Movie), scheduled to hit theatres on February 16, 2024. This new chapter in Garfield’s story promises to delve into the untold origins…
The world of Pixar’s animated emotions is expanding with the introduction of a new character, Anxiety, in the first trailer for “Inside Out 2.” The sequel to the 2015 Oscar-winning film, “Inside Out,” promises to delve even deeper into the emotional landscape…
The cult classic that coined the phrase “Get in, loser, we’re making a movie” is back, this time with a melodic twist. “Mean Girls, the musical the movie,” announced by Tina Fey in 2020, is set to re-introduce the world to the…
The world of music has witnessed a groundbreaking moment as Missy Elliott, the hip-hop and R&B sensation, has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This recent announcement pays homage to Elliott’s exceptional talent and influential role in the…
In a legal battle that has captured the attention of both Hollywood and corporate America, Robert De Niro has taken the stand, vehemently rejecting claims of abusive behaviour towards his former assistant, Graham Chase Robinson. The courtroom drama unfolded over allegations of…