Tom Holland in a New Live-Action Pokemon Movie in 2024? Separating Fact from Fiction


For quite some time, avid fans of the Pokemon franchise have been buzzing with excitement over rumours of a live-action Pokemon movie set to release in 2024, with none other than Tom Holland taking a prominent role. A YouTube trailer fueled the anticipation, leaving many wondering if the rumours were true. Let’s delve into the details to separate fact from fiction.

Rumours and Sources:

The rumours surrounding Tom Holland’s involvement in a live-action Pokemon movie first emerged from Small Screen, which had sourced the information from We Got This Covered in 2020. These reports suggested that Holland was being considered for the role of Blue Oak, the grandson of Professor Oak from the Pokemon games, in a spin-off movie set in the same world as the 2019 hit Detective Pikachu.

However, it turns out that these rumours are far from the truth. The exciting trailer circulated on YouTube was crafted by a devoted fan and cleverly combined footage from Detective Pikachu with clips from other Tom Holland movies.

Will Tom Holland Play a Role in a Pokemon Movie?

No concrete indication is that Tom Holland will be part of any upcoming Pokemon movie. In March 2023, reports of a sequel to the live-action Detective Pikachu movie were in the works. Jonathan Krisel, co-creator of Portlandia, was said to be taking the director’s chair, with Chris Galletta, the writer of The Kings of Summer, handling the script. Although the report did not confirm Ryan Reynolds’ return as Pikachu, some internal sources hinted at his potential involvement in some capacity.

Netflix’s Pokemon Plans:

While Tom Holland may not be currently linked to the Pokemon franchise, it’s worth noting that it is still going strong. Netflix, the streaming giant, is actively working on “Pokemon Concierge,” an animated Pokemon show that will showcase the franchise’s beloved creatures in a relaxing resort-like setting. Additionally, rumours have been circulating that once the highly-anticipated “Stranger Things Season 5” wraps up, Netflix may venture into a live-action Pokemon series.

While the prospect of Tom Holland starring in a live-action Pokemon movie was thrilling for fans, the rumours have been debunked, and the YouTube trailer was nothing more than the work of an imaginative fan. However, the Pokemon franchise continues to evolve and expand, with exciting projects on the horizon. Whether or not Holland ever joins the ranks of Pokemon trainers on the big screen, one thing remains certain – the Pocket Monsters are here to stay for a long time, entertaining fans of all ages.