Unprecedented Success of ‘The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’: An Insight into the Game Setting New Records


Undoubtedly, ‘The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’ has emerged as the most awaited video game release of the year, winning the 2022 award for the most anticipated game, and indeed, the wait has been worth it.

Since its launch on May 12, ‘Tears of the Kingdom’ has been an enormous success, smashing sales records, garnering praise from critics like IGN and the longstanding ‘Zelda’ fanbase, and even motivating some enthusiasts to pause their daily routines to immerse in its intricately designed universe fully.

The first ‘Zelda’ game was introduced in 1986, and nearly four decades later, the adventures of Link continue to charm players and exasperate those who lack over 100 hours to unravel the game’s numerous concealed gems. Here’s a spoiler-free rundown of what to expect from the latest addition to the ‘Zelda’ series.

The journey is familiar, yet packed with unexpected twists Link, now a knight in the kingdom of Hyrule, has recently completed his mission of saving Hyrule in the 2017 hit game, ‘Breath of the Wild.’ However, he plans to retire his green tunic no sooner than the notorious Ganondorf resurfaces to cause chaos, kidnapping the sagacious Princess Zelda. Hence, Link embarks on a mission to locate her and protect Hyrule from its recurring nemesis.

But wait, there’s a twist! Zelda has some tricks up her sleeve. In the final trailer before the game’s release, we see Zelda wielding the Master Sword, Link’s iconic weapon, and she utters, “I know why I am here – it’s something only I can do.” Could it be that she will be the saviour of her kingdom this time? IGN’s perfect-10 review suggests the plot takes unpredictable turns, delivering plot twists that could astonish even the most loyal ‘Zelda’ fans.

There are some surprising elements regarding gameplay and Link’s new abilities. Keza McDonald, the Guardian’s video game editor, mentioned on NPR that the game allows players to interact with everything discoverable. This degree of open exploration and creative liberty is a first for ‘Zelda.’

The game has already etched its place in history Expectations for ‘Tears of the Kingdom’ skyrocketed after ‘Breath of the Wild,’ which was critically acclaimed for its vast universe, stunning visuals, and endless range of ways to perish, endure, and ultimately finish the game.

However, ‘Tears of the Kingdom’ appears to have outdone its predecessor regarding public reception and critical approval. According to Nintendo, it sold 10 million units in the first three days alone, setting a record for the quickest-selling ‘Zelda’ game and becoming the fastest-selling Nintendo game on any platform in the Americas, outperforming even Mario and ‘Animal Crossing’.

‘Tears of the Kingdom’ requires a substantial time investment This game is a titan that requires a significant chunk of your time. IGN estimates that the main storyline takes approximately 51 hours to finish. If you’re a perfectionist, be prepared to dedicate over 100 hours to complete all the additional quests and extras. As with recent ‘Zelda’ games, it is designed for players familiar with its intricate world. Casual gamers, take note.

The ‘legend’ itself is intricate Perhaps ‘Zelda’ is new to you, but the recent hype surrounding this game has sparked your interest. While the lore is somewhat complex, the basic premise of the ‘legend’ is as follows, according to the official ‘Zelda website:

The fictional world of ‘Zelda’ was crafted by three goddesses of power, wisdom, and courage. They created an artifact called the ‘Triforce,’ with each triangle representing their respective virtues. Link was bestowed the Triforce of Courage, Zelda carries the Triforce of Wisdom, and the villainous Ganondorf possesses the last Triforce: Power.

Throughout the games, Link is responsible for safeguarding Zelda, the princess of Hyrule, usually from Ganondorf, who often attempts to usurp Zelda’s kingdom. (Their relationship has subtle romantic undertones but primarily revolves around maintaining the kingdom.) Characters experience death and rebirth, and we encounter them as youngsters and adults across two timelines, depending on the game. It all makes more sense as you play, though it remains enigmatic.

As for the specifics of this game and how it evolves the ‘Zelda’ legend, we’ll leave those surprises for players to uncover approximately 50 hours into the game.

‘The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’ is more than just a game; it’s an immersive and enchanting experience showcasing innovation and creativity at its finest. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the franchise or a newcomer enticed by the buzz, this game is set to offer a unique journey, inviting you to dive into a world filled with hidden treasures, unexpected plot twists, and captivating narratives. Set aside some time, brace yourself for an epic adventure, and join Link and Zelda in their quest to protect their kingdom.