Canine and Human Duo Adventure Across Sao Paulo Aiding Starving Strays


Miguel Pereira de Souza and his faithful canine companion, Ruby, speed across the vast urban landscape of Sao Paulo, Brazil, on a motorcycle, with a singular purpose: distribute free dog food to underprivileged dogs.

The pair has garnered significant attention on social media, accumulating over 150,000 followers on TikTok, who follow their journey to aid hungry dogs across the city.

Souza, 51, crossed paths with Ruby, injured and homeless at the time, under his car in the bustling city almost a decade ago.

The memory of that day is still fresh in Souza’s mind, and since then, he has dedicated his spare time to assisting street dogs like Ruby, who once faced similar conditions.

“From now on, whenever I encounter a starving dog, I’ll donate some food,” said a tearful Souza.

Following his social media posts featuring his food donations and the strays they helped, a wave of offerings started pouring in.

“My living room was packed with more than 700 kilograms (1,543 lb) of dog food,” Souza, who carries a tattoo of Ruby’s name on his forearm, mentioned. “We’ve given away over five tonnes of food to date.”

Three years ago, Souza started a small venture, the Ruby Fofa (Cute Ruby) delivery service. It sells dog food and snacks to Sao Paulo residents and employs the profits to purchase food for stray dogs.

Ruby has her protective gear and backpack for their motorcycle adventures. Souza, who earns his living by delivering fast food on his bike, clarified that he has never pushed Ruby to accompany him.

“She voluntarily hops on the motorcycle’s seat. She’s always eager to go! Therefore, I take her along on every delivery,” said Souza.

Raja Vidya, a resident of Sao Paulo and a user of the Ruby Fofa service, observed that many people had deserted their dogs in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The assistance Miguel provides – food, water, time, and the promotion of donation – is truly commendable,” she expressed.

“I feel immense pride in being part of this initiative. Every purchase we make from Ruby’s shop motivates others to donate, fostering a culture of giving,” she added.

In a world grappling with the effects of the pandemic, acts of kindness like those of Miguel Pereira de Souza and Ruby serve as a beacon of hope. As they continue to zoom across Sao Paulo on their noble mission, they inspire thousands through their journey. In turn, their followers are compelled to extend their helping hands, creating a chain of compassion that transcends geographical boundaries. The duo’s simple yet profound mission is a testament to the power of empathy and community spirit, reminding us all that every act of kindness can make a significant difference, no matter how small.