Addressing the Challenge: The U.S. Takes on China


The Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will hold its first hearing today, marking the launch of a House committee aimed at addressing the challenge posed by China to America’s national security. The committee’s chairman, Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., aims to bridge the gap between political parties and inform the American public about the threat posed by the CCP. He hopes to shepherd competing bills and recommend long-term policies over the next two years.

The first hearing will occur in prime time and feature two former advisers to President Donald Trump and a Chinese human rights advocate. The witnesses will discuss the threat posed by the CCP to the American worker, innovation, and national security. The hearing also aims to shed light on the U.S.’s role in enriching the CCP and the need to change China’s policy.

Despite initial opposition from some Democrats, the committee has received bipartisan support. The vote to create the committee was 365-65, with opponents mostly concerned about a rise in anti-Asian hate crimes. Gallagher has assured the public that the focus will be on the CCP, not the Chinese people.

The ranking Democrat on the committee, Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill., has stated that the CCP is counting on division among lawmakers and has emphasized the importance of rising to the challenge. Another Democrat on the committee, Rep. Ro Khanna of California, expects Gallagher to set a sobering tone and hopes that the U.S. will be able to correct its China policy.

At least 10 pieces of legislation can be endorsed bipartisanly by the committee, according to the chairman. However, he recognizes the challenge of jurisdiction over China-related issues being spread across multiple committees and acknowledges the need for coordination between committees. He believes the committee can play a constructive role in addressing such issues and passing legislation.

Despite the challenges, Gallagher is optimistic about the committee’s role in shaping the U.S.’s policy towards China. He believes the committee can provide a platform for bringing together various proposals and getting members to agree on a common approach. This, in turn, will increase the likelihood of the issues being addressed and legislation being passed.

The public and international organizations will closely watch the committee as it strives to find a solution to the challenge posed by China. The outcome of the hearings and the recommendations made by the committee will have far-reaching implications for the U.S.’s relationship with China and global stability.

A significant step forward in addressing China’s threat to America’s national security has been taken by the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party. The committee’s success will depend on its ability to bridge the gap between political parties and provide a platform for a unified approach to the issue. The outcome of the committee’s work will have a lasting impact on the U.S.’s policy towards China and the global stage.