Biden Administration Unveils Website Showcasing Economic Policy Achievements

The Biden administration is launching, a website aimed at mapping and monitoring many infrastructure projects and private manufacturing investments, as part of an initiative to demonstrate the beneficial impact of its policies on the U.S. economy to the doubtful public. lists approximately 32,000 infrastructure projects and over $470 billion worth of investments in industries such as electric vehicles, batteries, computer chips, biotech, and clean energy. As part of his 2024 reelection campaign, President Biden is making an effort to highlight how his policies are transforming the U.S. economy to tackle climate change and compete with global adversaries, such as China.

Deputy White House Chief of Staff, Natalie Quillian, remarked that the website exemplifies Biden’s agenda is “in progress and effective.”

“We aim for the public to see the developments happening within their communities,” Quillian added.

Surveys have revealed that U.S. adults are mainly critical of Biden’s economic management. According to a May survey by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, only 33% approve of the president’s financial performance. The steep inflation post-pandemic has deteriorated trust in Biden’s economic governance, overshadowing the 3.7% unemployment rate and over 13 million jobs added during his tenure.

The website launch precedes the administration’s public engagement through the second round of its “Investing in America” tour. During the two-week congressional recess in July, Cabinet secretaries and other officials will tour the country. Biden and his administration had previously visited various U.S. regions in March and April to spotlight their policy implementations.

During Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting, President Biden intends to discuss the website. It is a critical component of a broader strategy to maintain public awareness of the legislative victories during Biden’s initial two years when Democrats had control over the House and Senate. After delivering $1.9 trillion in pandemic relief, Biden enacted a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. He secured over $250 billion for computer chip production and scientific research and introduced new tax incentives for renewable energy sources worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

The website lets users view a national map or filter projects by state. It records private investments exceeding $100 million that its policies spurred the administration claims. Additionally, it supplies further economic data and specifics at the state level, including how administration policies have expanded healthcare coverage and reduced prescription drug costs.

The Biden administration’s website launch is an ambitious attempt to showcase and quantify the impact of its policies on America’s economy. As public skepticism continues over the president’s economic stewardship, the administration hopes the accessible and tangible data provided on the website can help illustrate the positive effects of its policies, from large infrastructure projects to lower prescription drug prices. The site’s launch, along with the upcoming “Investing in America” tour, signals a proactive approach by the administration to communicate its achievements and address public concerns ahead of the 2024 elections.