Jacob Lew: A Stalwart Ally Confirmed as US Ambassador to Israel Amidst Conflict


In a significant move, the Senate has ratified Jacob Lew as the US ambassador to Israel during a tumultuous time marked by conflict. Jacob Lew recognized for his tenure as the treasury secretary under President Obama, was confirmed for the pivotal diplomatic role with a vote of 53-43. This decision arrives as Israel engages in a contentious war with Hamas, highlighting the urgency and sensitivity of Lew’s appointment.

Lew’s confirmation has been met with distinct perspectives. His promise to “stand side by side with Israel’s leaders” resonates with the commitment expressed during his mid-October confirmation hearing. President Joe Biden’s choice in nominating Lew, also known as Jack, is rooted in his extensive experience within the government, having served not only as treasury secretary but also as chief of staff to Obama and White House budget director under both Obama and President Bill Clinton.

John Kirby, a spokesman for the U.S. National Security Council, articulated the administration’s anticipation for Lew to commence his mission, emphasizing support for Israel’s battle against Hamas and the broader objective of delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza.

However, Lew’s past involvement with the Iran nuclear agreement has sparked criticism from Republican ranks. Senator Jim Risch voiced strong opposition, signalling concerns over Lew’s stance on Iran, a nation with ties to Hamas. Conversely, Democratic Senator Ben Cardin has commended Lew, acknowledging the warm reception from Israeli leaders and underscoring Lew’s capability to represent America effectively.

During his hearing, Lew defended his record, labelling Iran as a threat and expressing his longstanding personal connection to Israel’s security. He also voiced his concern for the civilian casualties on both sides, underlining the necessity for a resolution that ensures Israel’s security.

Lew’s confirmation as ambassador is a testament to his deep-rooted investment in the US-Israel relationship, marking a critical juncture for both nations as they navigate the complexities of regional stability and diplomatic engagement.

The confirmation of Jacob Lew as the US ambassador to Israel symbolizes a steadfast American commitment to one of its key allies in a period fraught with regional challenges. As Lew steps into this crucial role, his extensive experience, coupled with a clear-eyed view of the threats and the humanitarian imperatives at play, sets the stage for a tenure hopeful and grounded in the realities of the longstanding alliance.