Next Month, Former Special Counsel Durham Will Discuss Trump-Russia Probe Report Before Congress


The House committee is set to hear from former special counsel John Durham next month concerning his newly finished report about the FBI’s investigation into Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The appearance is scheduled for June 20 and will occur behind closed doors with the House intelligence committee. Durham will testify publicly the following day before the House Judiciary Committee, based on information from an anonymous source who shared these dates before their public announcement.

John Durham was chosen by former Attorney General William Barr in 2019 to look into any governmental missteps or misconduct during the probe into possible connections between Russia and the Trump campaign.

His findings suggested that the FBI launched a comprehensive investigation in 2016 without adequate justification. However, many of the faults identified in his report were already highlighted in a previous 2019 report by the Justice Department’s inspector general.

Despite lasting four years, Durham’s investigation resulted in only three criminal prosecutions, with one leading to a probationary sentence after a guilty plea from an FBI lawyer and the other two concluding in jury acquittals.

Upon the release of Durham’s report, Rep. Jim Jordan, the Republican chair of the House Judiciary Committee, took to Twitter to extend an invitation to Durham to present before his committee the subsequent week. According to the same source, the dates for this testimony have been under discussion since then and were confirmed.

Durham, no longer an employee of the Justice Department, declined to comment through a spokesperson. 

In the upcoming weeks, the repercussions of Durham’s findings will likely unfold further as he steps into the spotlight of Congressional hearings. His testimony may provide a deeper understanding of the issues related to the FBI’s investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign. Both critics and supporters will be keenly observing how the discussions progress. As the former special counsel testifies, it’s clear that the Trump-Russia saga continues to shape and influence American politics years after the 2016 election.