Mexican President calls out President Biden to Help Latin America


Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador challenged President Biden on his “forgetfulness” to help Latin American countries during the North American Leaders’ Summit Monday. In a press conference Monday, the Mexican leader urged Biden to prioritize fixing the migration crisis affecting the U.S.-Mexico border and pressed him over his “abandonment” and “forgetfulness” to help Central American countries.

“This is the moment for us to determine to do away with this abandonment, this disdain, and this forgetfulness for Latin America and the Caribbean,” Lopez Obrador said. “You hold the key in your hand,” he added, referring to the U.S. President.

Despite López Obrador’s comments, the leaders shared a positive tone throughout the summit. By Tuesday, López Obrador’s words were more positive as he commended Biden for not building “even one meter of wall,” an apparent reference to Biden’s predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

The Mexican leader also urged Biden to “insist” Congress make more accommodations to allow undocumented Mexican migrants to work in industries where American employers struggle to hire. This call to action comes as the U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported more than 2.3 million migrant encounters in F.Y. 2022 alone, a figure that tops the then-historic 1.7 million encountered in F.Y. 2021. So far, in F.Y. 2023, which began in October, migrant encounters are outpacing the same period last year.

In addition to the migration crisis, Mexico’s president spoke at length about his country’s efforts to help limit the flow of fentanyl into the U.S. Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, has become the main driver of drug overdose deaths in America. “We are battling fentanyl, these chemicals, and we are doing it because we care. No human is foreign to us,” he said. “It really matters to us to be able to help with what is happening in the United States, the deaths from fentanyl. But also, as we discussed today, it is not only an issue for the United States because if we don’t confront this problem, this scourge, we are going to suffer it, too. So we have to act in a coordinated way.”

The North American Leaders’ Summit, which took place Monday and Tuesday in Mexico City, also saw U.S. President Joe Biden, López Obrador and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau share their goals for global trade, managing large waves of migrants coming into the region, and supporting Ukraine. The leaders discussed handling energy issues, semiconductors production, reducing climate change impacts, pledging to cut methane emissions, and forming a more cohesive regional strategy for dealing with future pandemic-related health threats.

“We’re true partners the three of us,” Biden said Tuesday at a joint news conference in Mexico City. He also said they each shared a “genuine like” for one another. “We share a common vision for the future, grounded on common values,” Biden added.

Despite the praise and positive atmosphere, the leaders have found themselves at odds this past year. The U.S. is urging Trudeau and Canada to help lead an international mission to Haiti to help solve an ongoing humanitarian and security crisis. “We need to make sure that the solutions are driven by the people of Haiti themselves,” Trudeau said on Tuesday, calling the situation “heartbreaking.”

The U.S. and Mexico continue to strategize on how best to deal with an influx of migrants who are seeking access to America, mainly from Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti, and Venezuela. Many of these migrants have been forced to wait at the U.S.-Mexico border as Title 42, a Trump-era immigration policy, is set to expire.

Despite these challenges, the leaders remain committed to working together and finding solutions. The North American Leaders’ Summit serves as an important platform for the countries to come together and discuss the pressing issues that impact the region. The willingness of Biden, López Obrador, and Trudeau to address these issues head-on is a positive sign for the future of the North American partnership.

While there are certain areas where the leaders have found themselves at odds, the North American Leaders’ Summit made it clear that the U.S., Mexico, and Canada are united in their efforts to tackle the region’s challenges. The leaders’ commitment to addressing the migration crisis, the opioid epidemic, and other pressing issues demonstrates a willingness to work together to find solutions that will benefit all three nations. As Biden stated, “We’re true partners, the three of us,” and it’s vital that the partnership continues to strengthen to face future challenges together.