Trump Skips GOP Debate, Speaks on Jan. 6 Events in Web Interview


Donald Trump, choosing to forego the conventional debate platform often favoured by presidential contenders, opted for an online discussion on Wednesday. During this conversation, he revisited his election claims, commented on his adversaries, and expressed admiration for the attendees of his Jan. 6, 2021 rally that preceded the U.S. Capitol events.

Trump, a figure known for his unconventional approaches and provocative remarks, stated he sidestepped the initial Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee due to his commanding lead in the polls. 

He chose to voice his opinions through a pre-recorded dialogue with Tucker Carlson, a former Fox News presenter, asserting his significant position in the political landscape.

Among the many comments exchanged, Trump responded to a provocative suggestion from Carlson about potential threats from his adversaries by highlighting both commendable Democrats and those he finds questionable.

As the discussion progressed, Trump reiterated his admiration for those involved in the Jan. 6 event. He remarked on the unity and passion he observed, contrasting that with the disdain he felt for certain actions taken against the country.

Before this online segment was released, Trump participated in a fundraiser at his New Jersey golf establishment, supporting individuals facing charges related to the Jan. 6 incidents.

The Carlson interview was unveiled on the platform X, formerly known as Twitter, moments before the debate commenced.

During the conversation, Trump didn’t hold back on sharing his views on fellow Republicans, particularly targeting former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and ex-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, both of whom have expressed reservations about Trump’s presidential candidacy.

Expressing his reservations about participating in the Milwaukee debate, Trump cited his impressive polling numbers and alleged bias from Fox News, the event’s host. He emphasized his alignment with alternative perspectives and challenged narratives about events like the Jan. 6 incident and international matters.

Despite facing legal challenges on various fronts, Trump’s approval ratings within the Republican base remain resilient.

Before announcing his absence from the debate, Fox News figures had advocated for his participation. However, post-presidency, Trump has voiced concerns over what he perceives as biased reporting from the channel.

This interview, particularly with Carlson who was previously dismissed by Fox News, seems to also be a strategic move on Trump’s part, especially in light of the network’s recent hefty settlement with Dominion Voting Systems.

The former president’s participation in future Republican debates remains uncertain, with him expressing reservations about upcoming venues and their associations.

While Trump chose not to attend, his policies resonate with many Republican candidates, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and others who served under his administration. Regardless of his physical presence, Trump’s influence on the Republican agenda is evident, as noted by former Democratic Congressman Cedric Richmond.

The political landscape remains in a state of flux as Trump’s influence pervades the Republican platform. While the former president chose an alternative route to express his views, bypassing the conventional debate stage, his impact on the party and its candidates is undeniable. As the nation heads towards the next election cycle, the role Trump plays, either from the sidelines or the forefront, promises to shape the discourse and direction of the Republican Party.