Urgent Call for Supreme Court Decision: Special Counsel Seeks Swift Prosecution Ruling on Trump


In a pivotal moment for American politics and the rule of law, Special Counsel Jack Smith has formally requested the Supreme Court to urgently decide on the prosecutorial fate of former President Donald Trump. This request, deeply rooted in the allegations that Trump conspired to overturn the 2020 election results, underscores a pressing constitutional question: Can a former President be prosecuted for crimes committed while in office, especially when previously impeached but not convicted?

Smith’s call for the Supreme Court to expedite its decision comes with an eye on the calendar. The trial of Trump, a front-runner in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, is set to begin on March 4. Any delay might push the trial past the next presidential election, an outcome Smith is keen to avoid.

The urgency was echoed in the Supreme Court’s response, setting a December 20 deadline for Trump’s legal team to respond. This rapid development follows a ruling by U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, which dismissed Trump’s immunity claim. Chutkan emphatically stated that former presidents are not exempt from federal criminal liability.

However, Trump’s presidential campaign has sharply criticized Smith’s approach, labelling it a “sham” and an “authoritarian tactic.” They argue that there is no justification for hastening the trial, interpreting it as an attempt to harm Trump and his supporters politically.

The heart of this legal battle lies in interpreting presidential immunity and the extent of its reach after leaving office. Justice Department policy shields a sitting president from indictment, but the same protection is not explicitly extended to former presidents. Trump’s defence hinges on the argument that his actions, being part of his official duties as president, grant him immunity – a stance vehemently opposed by prosecutors.

Smith’s team emphasizes the critical need for the Supreme Court to resolve this unprecedented legal question swiftly. A delay could prevent the issue from being settled in the current term, significantly impacting the legal and political landscape.

The case also involves Trump’s claim that he cannot be prosecuted for actions for which he was already impeached and acquitted by Congress. These charges relate to Trump’s alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, leading to the violent riot at the U.S. Capitol, a claim Trump denies.

This request to the Supreme Court by Special Counsel Jack Smith is not just about the legal fate of Donald Trump; it is a test of the American judicial system’s ability to handle cases of immense political and constitutional significance swiftly and fairly. The decision to expedite the trial or follow the usual legal process will set a precedent for how the country deals with allegations of high-level misconduct and the concept of presidential immunity.