AI Detects Breast Cancer Four Years Before It Develops


Hungarian physicians are using artificial intelligence (AI) to detect breast cancer up to four years before it develops, potentially improving the chances of successful treatment and recovery for patients.

The computer-assisted detection system is being used to identify changes on spots that may be overlooked by radiologists. Once the trouble spots have been identified, doctors can determine what additional tests may be appropriate for patients to decrease their odds of developing cancer.

One Of The Largest Testing Grounds

Hungary has one of the largest breast cancer screening programs in the world, carrying out 35,000 screenings a year. The AI systems were rolled out starting in 2021 and have helped doctors to check for signs of cancer.

The country is one of the largest testing grounds for the technology on real patients. According to Dr. Janos Strausz, a radiologist at the National Institute of Oncology in Budapest, the AI system can identify changes in the breast tissue that are difficult for humans to detect.

Improved Screening

The use of AI in breast cancer screening is not limited to Hungary. The technology is being implemented in the United States, Britain, and the European Union to help improve screening. AI is particularly useful in breast cancer screening because it can detect changes in tissue that may be missed by human observers.

The system is trained on large datasets of mammograms, allowing it to identify patterns that may be indicative of cancer. This means that the AI system can detect changes in the tissue that may not yet be visible to the human eye.

Early Detection Is Key

Early detection is essential for successful breast cancer treatment, and the use of AI in screening could improve outcomes for patients. According to Dr. Strausz, the AI system can identify changes in the breast tissue up to four years before a tumor is visible on a mammogram.

This means that doctors could potentially intervene earlier, before the cancer has had a chance to develop further. This could lead to more effective treatments and higher survival rates for patients.

Potential Drawbacks

While the use of AI in breast cancer screening has many potential benefits, there are also some drawbacks to consider. One concern is that the technology may lead to overdiagnosis, where patients are diagnosed with cancer that may not have progressed to a life-threatening stage. This can lead to unnecessary treatments and procedures, which can be costly and have side effects. Another concern is that the AI system may not be as accurate as human observers in all cases. While the technology is improving rapidly, it is not yet perfect.

The use of AI in breast cancer screening has the potential to revolutionize the way we detect and treat this deadly disease. By identifying changes in breast tissue up to four years before a tumor is visible on a mammogram, doctors could intervene earlier and potentially improve outcomes for patients.

While there are some concerns about the use of AI in screening, the benefits outweigh the risks. With further development and refinement of the technology, AI could become an indispensable tool in the fight against breast cancer.