AI’s Productivity Gains and Promise to Curb Inflation: A Game-Changer for Industries


In an era of rapid technological advancement, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, promising to revolutionize various industries and boost productivity. Recent developments in AI-powered tools, such as Recruitment Smart’s SniperAI and generative AI platforms like ChatGPT, have demonstrated their ability to drive astonishing gains in efficiency and effectiveness.

Beyond streamlining processes and saving time, experts believe that AI’s impact on work could help address the longstanding challenge of low productivity growth in Western economies, potentially curbing inflation.

This article delves into the transformative potential of AI, its applications across industries, and the prospects it holds for global productivity growth.

AI Revolutionizing Industries

From recruitment and real estate to customer service and coding, AI is revolutionizing industries by enabling significant productivity gains. Recruitment Smart’s SniperAI, a pioneering software, quickly sifts through thousands of job applications to identify the most promising candidates, achieving what would typically take days for a human resources team within minutes.

Similarly, generative AI tools like ChatGPT allow software engineers to code at twice their usual speed, and researchers to complete a week’s worth of work in a single morning. AI’s capabilities extend to handling customer emails, with some AI systems performing the work of 250 people, thus freeing up human resources for more complex tasks.

AI Boosting Productivity and Addressing Inflation

Experts and industry leaders recognize AI’s potential to increase productivity, offering a solution to the prolonged slowdown in productivity growth in Western economies. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink highlights the transformative impact of AI, suggesting it could be the technology capable of curbing inflation.

By enabling businesses to produce more goods and services at a lower cost per unit, AI has the potential to increase supply, exerting downward pressure on prices. This aligns with Microsoft founder Bill Gates’ belief that AI’s primary impact on work in the coming years will be to help people perform their jobs more efficiently, whether in factories or offices.

Wide-ranging Implications

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recognizes AI as the latest general-purpose technology with the potential to affect nearly every sector and occupation. Similar to the industrial revolution ignited by the steam engine and the advances brought by electricity, AI can foster general productivity gains.

As evidenced by Wimbledon, which utilizes AI tools developed by IBM to automate the generation of match highlight reels and even AI-generated commentary, industries can achieve more with the same number of workers.

This suggests that AI has the power to turbocharge labor and increase the global economy’s ability to produce goods and services, ultimately benefiting consumers through lower prices and improved purchasing power.

Prospects for the Future

Industry projections highlight the significant potential of AI in driving productivity growth. Researchers at Goldman Sachs estimate that widespread adoption of AI-powered tools could uplift global GDP by $7 trillion and raise productivity growth by 1.5 percentage points over a 10-year period.

Some experts anticipate a doubling of US productivity growth over the next decade, taking it back to levels last seen during the computer-powered productivity boom of the 1990s and early 2000s. Europe is also expected to experience similar, albeit slightly smaller, productivity gains.

The Accelerated AI Revolution

Unlike previous technological breakthroughs that took decades to transform economies, the AI revolution is expected to unfold at a much faster pace. Companies like IBM, Microsoft, Google, SAP, and Salesforce are racing to integrate AI technology into their products, making it more accessible to millions of businesses and workers worldwide.

The internet-based nature of most generative AI tools enhances their user-friendliness, requiring minimal technical expertise. Erik Brynjolfsson, director of the Digital Economy Lab at Stanford University, suggests that the AI revolution will compress the transformative process into years or even months, as opposed to decades.

AI’s Transformative Promise for Productivity and Prosperity

Artificial intelligence has emerged as a powerful catalyst for productivity gains, offering the potential to address the challenge of low productivity growth in Western economies while curbing inflation. By revolutionizing industries and streamlining processes, AI is enabling businesses to achieve more in less time, boosting output and lowering costs.

As the latest general-purpose technology, AI’s impact spans across sectors and occupations, promising to reshape the global economy. The accelerated pace of the AI revolution suggests that the transformative effects will be felt sooner than expected, ushering in a new era of productivity growth and economic prosperity.