BT Announces Ambitious Cost-Cutting Plan: Up to 55,000 Jobs to be Shed by 2030


London, UK – In a bid to streamline operations and reduce costs, UK telecom giant BT has unveiled plans to cut up to 55,000 jobs by 2030.

The company aims to replace some of these roles with artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies, positioning itself for a more efficient and agile future.

Creating a Leaner Business

The reduction in workforce is part of a comprehensive cost-cutting overhaul designed to create a leaner business model.

BT intends to eliminate 10,000 jobs through digitization, automation, and the implementation of AI systems. By harnessing the power of technology, the company expects to achieve significant efficiency gains and cost savings.

Embracing the Future of Connectivity

BT’s strategic plans also include the elimination of 15,000 jobs associated with the deployment of fiber-optic broadband and 5G mobile networks.

These cuts will be implemented once the networks are fully rolled out, reflecting the company’s desire to optimize its workforce in alignment with market demands.

Harnessing AI and Data for Self-Healing Networks

One of the key areas where BT anticipates substantial gains is through the implementation of AI and data-driven technologies in creating self-healing networks.

By leveraging AI algorithms and advanced data analytics, the company aims to optimize network performance and minimize the need for human intervention, resulting in greater reliability and cost savings.

Collaboration with Union Partners

BT is committed to working closely with its union partners to ensure a fair and transparent process throughout the job cuts.

The company aims to minimize the impact on its workforce by relying on attrition and natural turnover as part of the downsizing strategy. While approximately 5,000 jobs will be lost through conventional restructuring methods, BT seeks to navigate this transition with the utmost sensitivity and support for its employees.

Navigating a Challenging Landscape

The telecommunications industry has been subject to rapid transformation in recent years, with emerging technologies and changing consumer preferences reshaping the landscape.

BT’s ambitious cost-cutting measures are a proactive response to these challenges, enabling the company to adapt and remain competitive in an ever-evolving market.

Investing in the Workforce of the Future

While the job cuts may be seen as a challenging development, BT is also committed to investing in the workforce of the future. The company aims to upskill and reskill its employees, equipping them with the necessary tools and knowledge to thrive in a technology-driven environment.

By doing so, BT aims to strike a balance between the utilization of AI and automation while retaining a skilled and adaptable human workforce.

Looking Ahead

BT’s plan to shed up to 55,000 jobs by 2030 represents a bold move towards increased efficiency and long-term sustainability. As the company embraces AI, automation, and advanced data analytics, it positions itself at the forefront of technological innovation within the telecommunications industry.

While the job cuts may result in short-term challenges, BT’s commitment to collaboration, upskilling, and reskilling ensures a resilient workforce capable of navigating the future with confidence.

As BT’s transformation journey progresses, it will be closely watched by industry experts and stakeholders, eagerly anticipating the outcomes of this ambitious cost-cutting strategy and its impact on the future of the telecommunications sector.