The era of humanoid robots has arrived, albeit with a touch of awkwardness. These robots, often inspired by the realms of science fiction, have been the dream of engineers for decades. Despite the surge in artificial intelligence and subsequent investments, the prototypes…
The Beatles, a band whose music transcended time, have astonished the world once more with the release of “Now and Then,” a song that marries the past with the cutting-edge present. This four-minute and eight-second track marks the first original Beatles recording…
The landscape of clinical research technology has witnessed a seismic shift in 2023, with research sites gaining unprecedented power in the clinical research value chain. As sites grapple with the backlog of clinical trials and ongoing capacity challenges, technology automation has emerged…
The UK has chosen the historic site of Bletchley Park, the wartime home of codebreaking and computing, as the venue for its AI Safety Summit. This event brings together politicians, computer scientists, and tech executives to discuss the future of artificial intelligence.…
Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, stands at the forefront of the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution, having revolutionized industries with the launch of ChatGPT. This technology, which utilizes generative AI, can generate text and images in response to user prompts. ChatGPT has…
The evolution of technology and its subsequent impact on consumer rights is taking a significant turn, with new laws aiming to empower device owners in their quest to repair, rather than replace, their beloved gadgets. The days of complicated, near-impossible DIY fixes…
The advancement of technology has given rise to a new era of misinformation, where deepfake videos, especially about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, are distorting people’s perception of reality and sowing deep distrust in media. These manipulated videos are not only damaging…
In a world constantly evolving with technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a beacon of potential and a source of concern. As we delve into AI, it is crucial to understand its implications on society, the economy, and global security.…
The human resource industry is currently experiencing a remarkable transformation thanks to the rapid adoption of innovative technologies like AI, collaboration tools, and SaaS-based workforce management software. This evolution is significantly changing the way companies approach talent acquisition and employee engagement, allowing…
Sony has revealed the PlayStation Access controller, a groundbreaking device designed to revolutionize gaming for individuals with disabilities, providing a much-needed social lifeline and inclusivity in the gaming world. The Struggle for Inclusivity in Gaming The gaming industry has, for years, presented…