Pentagon Review Finds No Evidence of Extraterrestrial Origins in UFO Sightings


A recent wide-ranging Pentagon review of decades of U.S. government investigations into UFO sightings has concluded that there is no evidence to suggest that any of the sightings were of extraterrestrial origin. The Pentagon’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) review also concluded that there is no evidence to support the assertion that either the U.S. government or private companies have ever possessed extraterrestrial technology that has been covertly reverse-engineered.

The review, which covered U.S. government records dating back to 1945, was prompted by renewed interest in UFO sightings and whether they could be linked to extraterrestrial activity. AARO’s investigation found no verifiable evidence to support such claims and concluded that any alleged hidden UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) programs either do not exist or were misidentified as authentic national security programs.

AARO’s findings were based on a comprehensive review of classified and unclassified U.S. government records related to UFO incidents, including interviews with witnesses referred by Congress. The report, which spans 63 pages, includes a summary of every major U.S. government investigation of UFO incidents dating back to 1945, including some previously classified investigations that were declassified for the first time.

The review found that the majority of earlier UAP sightings could be attributed to the misidentification of ordinary phenomena and objects. In some cases, new technologies, such as the then-secret U-2 spy plane developed in the 1950s, were misidentified as UAPs because their existence was classified.

The report also highlights the role of misinformation and disinformation in shaping public perceptions of UFOs, noting that the speed and ubiquity of information available through the internet have made it easier to disseminate false information. The report cautions against relying on Internet search and content recommendation algorithms, which can reinforce individuals’ preconceptions and confirmation biases.

Despite the lack of evidence supporting extraterrestrial origins in UFO sightings, AARO continues to review new reports of UAP incidents, with over 1,200 incidents forwarded to the office for investigation. AARO is also developing a new portable real-time UAP sensor technology known as Gremlin, which could be deployed to national security sites where UAP incidents are reported.

Overall, the Pentagon review represents the most comprehensive government-wide review of U.S. government records related to UFO incidents to date. While the review found no evidence of extraterrestrial activity in UFO sightings, it underscores the need for continued research and investigation into these phenomena to better understand their nature and origins.