PETRONAS Spearheads Technological Innovation for Sustainable Energy and Operational Excellence


In the rapidly evolving global energy sector, PETRONAS has emerged as a frontrunner, setting an exemplary standard in harnessing technological innovation to foster resilience and sustainable growth. This strategic shift is marked by a significant increase in technology investment and a commitment to integrating cutting-edge solutions across its operations.

Revolutionizing Energy with Advanced Technologies

PETRONAS’ visionary approach is encapsulated in its substantial increase of technology investment by 60% from 2021, resulting in numerous high-value projects exceeding RM10 billion (US$2.1 billion). This leap in investment is a testament to PETRONAS’ dedication to not only enhancing customer experiences but also making a purposeful impact on the global energy landscape. 

Central to this strategy is the integration of digital transformation and AI solutions in various facets of its operations. The focus spans from sustainability and decision-making to workplace safety and talent development. Innovations such as the AI-driven STELLAR and the machine learning-based ARIES system underscore PETRONAS’ commitment to leveraging data insights for operational optimization and value creation.

The company’s adoption of AI is further bolstered by the establishment of an Enterprise Data Hub, enhancing data accessibility, and an Artificial Intelligence Centre of Excellence, fostering global collaboration in AI solutions.

Championing Safety and Clean Energy Growth

PETRONAS is equally committed to safety, utilizing AI to proactively identify potential hazards and predict accidents, with ongoing pilot projects that include AI-powered robots and virtual-based analytics for inspections.

In the realm of clean energy, PETRONAS is at the forefront of exploring new energy sources, including specialty chemicals, hydrogen, renewable energy, advanced materials, bio-based value chains, and the circular economy. These efforts align with Malaysia’s National Energy Transition Roadmap and Hydrogen Energy Transition Roadmap, highlighting PETRONAS’ role as a key contributor to the country’s clean energy initiatives.

Empowering Innovation through Collaboration and Research

A significant aspect of PETRONAS’ strategy involves fostering collaborations with global and local partners, enhancing the commercial viability of innovative technology solutions.

This collaborative ethos extends to research and development, where PETRONAS partners with 30 Malaysian universities and 10 foreign institutions. These alliances focus on developing advanced materials and other innovative solutions, building a sustainable pipeline of educated and skilled talents.

Leading the Way in Technological Transformation

As PETRONAS continues its journey towards a sustainable and technologically advanced future, it stands as a beacon of innovation in the energy sector. By strategically investing in technology and nurturing global partnerships, PETRONAS is not just adapting to the challenges of the modern energy landscape but actively shaping it.

The company’s focus on integrating digital solutions, prioritizing safety, and driving clean energy initiatives underscores its role as a leader in the sustainable transformation of the energy industry.