Revolutionizing Animal Feed: AgriVision 2023 Unveils Industry’s Transformation


Consumers’ evolving preferences are reshaping the landscape of the food and animal feed industries, igniting discussions about sustainable nutrition delivery. 

Recently, the AgriVision 2023 conference in the Netherlands provided an insightful platform for experts to share unique perspectives on the future of feeding both humans and animals.

Embracing Sustainability Challenges 

The imperative of addressing climate change was at the forefront of the conference, as highlighted by former Unilever CEO Paul Polman. Attendees were prompted to forge true partnerships to tackle the impending negative tipping point caused by excessive CO2 emissions. 

Polman, an advocate of science-based targets aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals, emphasized actionable measures for sustainability.

Shifting Consumer Dynamics 

Amid these challenges, consumer behavior has surged towards purpose-driven choices. A 2020 IBM survey revealed that 44% of consumers make food decisions based on values like sustainability. 

Imke van Gasselt, VP of health and sustainable diets at Ahold Delhaize, reiterated this trend, signaling the importance of aligning food retail with evolving consumer preferences.

Innovation and Disruption in Feeding Practices 

AgriVision 2023 showcased a series of panels that delved into the implementation of a green agenda, employing technologies like ChatGPT and groundbreaking case studies such as India’s meat consumption patterns. 

Notably, startup Licious achieved unicorn status by revolutionizing product delivery through innovative platforms. The conference spotlighted five transformative factors for the industry: adoption of novel ingredients, precision feeding, functional feeds, agtech utilization, and leveraging food waste through upcycling.

Navigating the Path to Sustainable Animal Nutrition 

Fulco van Lede, CEO of Nutreco, shared insights into future-proofing protein production, including investments in innovative ventures like Mosa Meats and BlueNalu. Cellular meats, while promising, face challenges due to costs and technological complexities. 

Industry leaders like Sandhya Sriram of Shiok Meats highlighted the arduous journey toward competitive cellular meat production, suggesting a longer timeline than initially anticipated.

Navigating Towards a New Era 

The animal feed industry stands at the cusp of transformation. Aided by technologies such as AI and AI-powered systems like ChatGPT, the role of veterinarians and nutritionists can be redefined.

Amidst increasing awareness of ESG factors, companies like Nutreco are pioneering ESG reporting to address sustainability concerns and attract forward-looking investors.

AgriVision 2023 underscored the need for embracing digital disruption, fostering diversity, and collectively innovating to usher in a new era of responsible, efficient animal feed practices.