Biden and Yoon Caution North Korea on Nuclear Weapons


President Joe Biden and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol announced a new plan to address North Korea’s nuclear threat. The US leader warned that any attack would result in the downfall of the regime responsible. The newly unveiled nuclear deterrence strategy involves docking US nuclear-armed submarines in South Korea periodically for the first time in decades, enhancing joint training between the two countries, and more. The announcement came during a state visit by Yoon amid heightened concerns over North Korea’s increased ballistic missile testing.

Biden emphasized that a nuclear attack by North Korea on the US or its allies would be unacceptable and lead to the regime’s end. According to Yoon, the “righteous alliance” commitment includes plans for bilateral presidential consultations if North Korea attacks nuclearly, establishing a nuclear consultative group, and better information sharing regarding nuclear and strategic weapon operations.

The Washington Declaration, as it is known, is designed to alleviate South Korean concerns about the North’s aggressive nuclear weapons program and prevent South Korea from restarting its nuclear program. If the North attacks the South, the US and South Korea will coordinate more closely on nuclear response strategies, but operational control of nuclear weapons will remain with the US, and no nuclear weapons will be deployed in South Korea.

In light of North Korean threats and blatant violations of international sanctions, Biden emphasized the need for coordination between the US and South Korea. He reiterated that the US remains open to “substantial” talks with the North without preconditions.

South Korean military assets will also be better integrated into the joint strategic deterrence effort under the agreement between the US and South Korean militaries. A nuclear non-proliferation treaty commitment will be reiterated as part of the declaration.

The Biden administration is expanding its Asian alliances as North Korea’s nuclear threats grow and concerns over China’s military and economic assertiveness increase. Yoon, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, and soon Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will be given significant attention.

As North Korea’s nuclear threat grows, President Biden and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol announce a new nuclear deterrence plan. The United States and South Korea hope to deter any potential aggression from the North by strengthening their alliance and demonstrating their commitment to maintaining peace in the region. As the world watches closely, the effectiveness of this plan will become apparent in the coming months and years, with the hope that it will contribute to lasting stability on the Korean Peninsula.