Investigation Underway Following Incident of Neo-Nazi Attired Man Distributing Balloons to Kids Post Far-Right Party’s Success in German County


German officials have begun an investigation concerning a video that portrays a man dressed in neo-Nazi apparel distributing balloons to preschoolers. This incident occurred a day following the triumph of Germany’s leading far-right political party, gaining control over a county’s administration. 

The footage was reportedly recorded on Monday near a kindergarten situated in Sonneberg County, as noted by Katharina Koenig-Preuss, a local legislator representing the Left party.

The video clip shared on social media platforms on Tuesday has yet to be authenticated independently. It displays a man sporting a T-shirt showcasing an image of a soldier from the Nazi era, accompanied by the text “Wehrmacht wieder mit?” on the back. This statement humorously translates to “Who’s going to join again?” is designed as a wordplay.

Donning shorts in the red, white, and black color palette usually representative of the German Reich, the man can be seen fetching blue balloons from his vehicle and offering them to eager children standing behind a fence. The vehicle features the phrase “volunteer deportation helper” and one of the balloons visibly carries the swoosh logo of the anti-immigrant party, Alternative for Germany, with blue being their characteristic color.

The political party’s representative achieved a victory in the run-off election for Sonneberg county commissioner on Sunday. This marks the first time the Alternative for Germany, or AfD, has gained control of a county’s executive, inciting worries about increasing voter endorsement for far-right ideologies in a country still dealing with the consequences of its Nazi history.

Thuringia’s police, where Sonneberg is situated, are currently examining whether the man’s attire and demeanour may be deemed an administrative violation.

There is no evidence to suggest that the man was acting in the interest of Alternative for Germany.

The education minister of Thuringia expressed severe condemnation regarding the incident.

“The act of a neo-Nazi blatantly targeting our youngest, unasked, and aiming at kindergarten-aged children constitutes a grave assault,” voiced Helmut Holter on Twitter.

Holter also stated that the responsibility of ensuring safe care for kindergartens in the Sonneberg district under the Basic Law, Germany’s constitution, now rests with Robert Sesselmann, the newly elected AfD official.

The AfD is presently under the scrutiny of security services, and its party leader in Thuringia is facing charges over the alleged use of a slogan from the Nazis’ SA stormtroopers in a 2021 speech.

As the investigation unfolds, there are concerns that such incidents may inflame further divisions and tensions in German society. Despite the AfD distancing itself from any Nazi associations, its victory in Sonneberg and this subsequent incident will undoubtedly add to the ongoing debates about the resurgence of far-right ideologies in German politics. Robert Sesselmann as the newly elected official now responsible for ensuring safe kindergarten care and building trust in a community that has been left deeply unsettled by these events.