Israel: “We are at war” following a surprise attack by Hamas


Israel is in a crisis after being targeted in a surprise attack by the militant group Hamas. This attack has led Israeli authorities to declare that the country is “at war.”

Last Saturday, Palestinian militants managed to infiltrate Israel and launched hundreds of missiles from the Gaza Strip. This unexpected action by Hamas revealed an unprecedented failure in the Israeli defence and intelligence system, allowing dozens of armed men to enter Israeli territory. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, confirmed the gravity of the situation, stating, “Citizens of Israel. We are at war, not an operation or escalation, but at war.” In response to this attack, the Israeli army mobilized tens of thousands of reservists and launched massive attacks on Gaza.

Local media have reported the tragic loss of at least 70 Israelis and more than 700 injured. Additionally, it has been confirmed that several “soldiers and civilians” have been kidnapped by the militants, although an exact number has not been provided. On the other hand, Hamas has claimed to have 53 “prisoners of war,” while Palestinian health officials report 198 fatal casualties in Gaza.

An aspect still not clarified is how the militants managed to penetrate one of the world’s most fortified borders. Frank Gardner, BBC security correspondent, described this incident as a “colossal intelligence failure for Israel.”

The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is one of the oldest and most complex in the Middle East, characterized by cycles of intense attacks interspersed with periods of relative calm. However, these recent attacks are unprecedented in the last one and a half decades since Hamas took control of Gaza.

Jeremy Bowen, international editor of the BBC with extensive experience in the Middle East, commented, “I believe there is a high possibility that this will involve, perhaps, deploying troops in Gaza.” Bowen added, “For Palestinians and Israelis, I believe this is an unexpected and highly concerning morning.”

As tensions continue rising, the international community hopes a peaceful solution can be reached before the situation escalates.