Italy’s Power Circle Gather for Silvio Berlusconi’s State Funeral in Milan


The most influential figures from Italy’s political, business, and soccer spheres paid their last respects to the former Premier Silvio Berlusconi during a state funeral at the grand Duomo Cathedral in Milan. Outside, thousands of his ordinary supporters and soccer enthusiasts waved banners and engaged in chanting.

The ceremony marked a fitting tribute to a man who had built a multi-billion-dollar fortune in media, stirred Italian politics during his three terms as premier, and led two successful soccer teams.

However, while most Italians agree that Berlusconi significantly influenced Italy during his four-decade business and political career, there is a division of opinions about whether his impact was positive. This judgment continues to shadow him even posthumously, as both his legacy and the grandeur of his funeral sparked debate.

Delivering a brief eulogy, Milan’s Archbishop Mario Delpini referred to Berlusconi as a businessman who tasted both success and failure, a politician who had victories and defeats, and a celebrity-like figure who gathered followers and critics.

Inside the large, Gothic-era cathedral, mourners stood as Berlusconi’s flower-adorned coffin was moved down the central aisle towards the altar, accompanied by a melancholy choral soundtrack. As it reached the altar, applause accelerated, led by his grieving children and partner.

The attendees included three former premiers, none being Berlusconi’s allies; current President Giorgia Meloni, whose administration depends on Berlusconi’s party’s support; coalition partner and League leader Matteo Salvini; numerous past and present ministers; prominent industry figures; and representatives from the soccer industry that Berlusconi cherished.

Only two government heads attended the funeral, considering Berlusconi had been out of power for over ten years: Hungarian President Viktor Orban and Qatar’s ruling emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. Russian President Vladimir Putin, one of his few remaining international allies, sent heartfelt condolences from Moscow. Other countries dispatched ambassadors to the funeral, organized two days after his demise, following chronic leukemia treatment.

His critics questioned whether Berlusconi deserved a state funeral, an honour typically conferred upon former heads of state or the more sparingly utilized national day of mourning that involved flying flags at half-staff and suspending all political activities unrelated to charity.

Berlusconi’s critics argue that he caused extensive political harm, citing conflicts of interest related to his media empire, numerous trials primarily for business practices, revelations about sexually-charged parties at his villa near Milan, and dubious associations, including his lasting friendship with Putin.

Despite the controversy, thousands of admirers filled the central square, many fans of AC Milan and AC Monza, soccer clubs nurtured by Berlusconi. As his casket was carried into and out of the cathedral, they displayed giant banners and chanted endearing slogans.

Berlusconi’s impact on Italian politics over the past three decades as leader of the center-right Forza Italia party was substantial, and he is considered a precursor to populist politics that later swept Donald Trump to power in the United States.

Berlusconi’s supporters point to his success in unifying the Italian center-right following the collapse of the post-war political landscape due to the “Clean Hands” corruption scandal in the 1990s. They also view his leadership years as periods of stability and appreciate his audacity and irreverence, particularly towards other global leaders.

Many attendees were drawn to pay respects to Berlusconi’s famed empathy and personal warmth, which even his critics acknowledged as one of his most endearing traits.

Berlusconi is remembered for mentoring a new generation of political leaders now governing smaller cities throughout Italy. He was also well-known for personal gestures, such as greeting retiree Carmen Panzuto’s mother on her 100th birthday.

Berlusconi was honoured with a final salute from members of the Italian armed forces. His partner, Marta Fascina, a 33-year-old Forza Italia lawmaker, kissed the coffin before it was taken to the Milan suburb of Arcore, his final resting place. His children, thanking the crowd, said, “Thank you for your affection.”

In his passing, Berlusconi leaves behind a legacy that is both revered and questioned, yet undeniably significant in Italy’s contemporary history. Despite the controversy that marred his career, he commanded respect among his followers, leaving an indelible mark on the country’s political, business, and sports landscape. His funeral, a gathering of Italy’s elites and masses alike, signified his larger-than-life presence and his polarizing role in the nation’s journey over the past few decades.