Silvio Berlusconi, Former Prime Minister of Italy, Passes Away at 86


Silvio Berlusconi, a self-proclaimed “Jesus Christ of politics” and a vibrant personality known for his billionaire status and tenure as Italy’s Prime Minister, passed away in a Milan hospital at 86, as confirmed by his press office.

With a recent medical history marked by numerous health challenges, Berlusconi had been diagnosed with leukemia at San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, where he had also been treated for respiratory issues in the past.

Berlusconi will be honoured with a state funeral on Wednesday, June 14, according to Italian public broadcaster RAI, as reported by the Senate President. Details regarding the location of the ceremony are yet to be disclosed.

Having served as Prime Minister for nine years across three separate terms, Berlusconi, often referred to as “Il Cavaliere” (The Knight), held the position longer than any other since the reign of the fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini. He was a vibrant figure in Italy’s political landscape, but his career was not without controversy, including numerous political, financial, and personal scandals that resulted in court cases.

Charges brought against him ranged from tax evasion and bribery to corruption and involvement with an underage sex worker. However, the only conviction held was a 2012 case for tax evasion in a deal tied to television rights.

Following his expulsion from the Parliament in 2013, Berlusconi demonstrated resilience and staged a comeback in 2018, positioning himself as a prominent figure in a right-wing alliance, namely his party, Forza Italia. This came after a Milan court granted him a “rehabilitation” that essentially overturned his ban from politics following his tax fraud conviction.

In May 2019, at 83, Berlusconi was elected to the European Parliament, a position he held until his passing. Besides his political career, Berlusconi also led his party, Forza Italia, to a victory in September 2022, partnering with Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini in a center-right coalition. He didn’t hold a government portfolio during this time.

The renowned Italian football club AC Milan grieves the loss of its former owner, Silvio Berlusconi, describing him as “unforgettable.” Berlusconi owned AC Milan from 1986 to 2017 when the club achieved numerous Italian and European titles.

Rival football club Inter Milan also expressed condolences, acknowledging Berlusconi’s significant impact on Italian history and how his team, AC Milan, transformed Milan into the heart of the football world.

As we bid farewell to this influential figure, it is clear that Silvio Berlusconi’s impact on Italian politics and football will be remembered for many years. His legacy is marked with resilience, controversy, and success, encapsulating a multifaceted career spanning politics and sports.