UN Commission Accuses Israel of Crimes in Gaza


A recent investigation by a United Nations commission has leveled serious accusations against Israel, including extermination and other crimes in Gaza. The commission also holds the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and other Palestinian armed groups responsible for war crimes.

Israel: Accusations of War Crimes

The United Nations Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, which faced obstruction from Israel, has published a detailed report on crimes committed in Gaza. This report includes interviews with victims and witnesses, analysis of forensic medical reports, satellite images, and open-source documents. “It is imperative that all those who have committed crimes are held accountable,” said the commission’s chair, South African jurist Navi Pillay, who served as the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights from 2008 to 2014. “The only way to stop the recurring cycles of violence, including aggression and reprisals by both sides, is to ensure strict adherence to international law.”

The Impact on Civilians

Pillay emphasized that “Israel must immediately cease its military operations and attacks in Gaza, including the assault on Rafah, which has cost the lives of hundreds of civilians and displaced hundreds of thousands more to unsafe areas lacking basic services or humanitarian aid.” The commission highlighted that Israel’s military strategy in Gaza aims to cause maximum harm to civilians, ignoring principles of distinction, proportionality, and precaution. “The use of heavy weaponry with high destructive capacity in densely populated areas constitutes an intentional and direct attack on the civilian population,” the commission noted.

Crimes by Hamas and Other Militias

On the other hand, the commission also pointed out that the armed wing of Hamas, the Ezzeldin al-Qassam Brigades, and six other Palestinian armed factions committed war crimes during their October 7 attacks. These crimes include intentional attacks on civilians, murder, torture, inhumane treatment, destruction or seizure of enemy property, personal dignity offenses, and taking hostages, including children. “The commission has identified patterns of sexual violence, concluding that these were not isolated incidents but were similarly perpetrated in multiple locations, primarily against Israeli women,” the report stated.

Calls for Action

The commission has urged Israel to implement an immediate ceasefire, lift the siege on Gaza, ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid, and stop attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure. It also recommended compliance with the International Court of Justice’s orders and full cooperation with the International Criminal Court by all Rome Statute signatory countries. Additionally, the commission called on Palestinian authorities and those established by Hamas in Gaza to cease projectile attacks, release all hostages unconditionally, and conduct thorough and impartial investigations into violations to hold perpetrators accountable.

The UN commission’s findings highlight the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the urgent need for accountability and adherence to international law to prevent further atrocities. The international community must work together to address these grave violations and ensure justice for the victims.