Ifo Institute: A significant decline in the German economy

The economic outlook for Germany is concerning. The Ifo Institute has confirmed its growth forecast for 2023, predicting a 0.4% decline in the German economy. “Contrary to earlier predictions, the recovery will apparently not prevail in the second half of the year.…

EU ernennt offiziell Hüter der digitalen Wirtschaft

Die Europäische Kommission hat sechs führende Technologieunternehmen offiziell als Hüter der digitalen Wirtschaft bezeichnet und sie somit strengeren Vorschriften unterzogen. Dieser Schritt ist im Rahmen des Digital Markets Act (DMA) erfolgt, einem wegweisenden Gesetz, das etablierte Wettbewerbsprinzipien an die moderne Realität des…

EU Officially Appoints Guardians of the Digital Economy

The European Commission has officially designated six leading tech companies as guardians of the digital economy, thereby subjecting them to stricter regulations. This move was made under the Digital Markets Act (DMA), a landmark law that adapts established competition principles to the…

Welcome to IAA Mobility!

Currently, many German car manufacturers are feeling the pressure. However, at the IAA in Munich, the industry is showcasing its pride and optimism, as if it wants to revive its golden era. Right from the start, there was a blockade – a…

Europe Still Affected by Inflation

Despite the European Central Bank (ECB) having raised its interest rates multiple times, inflation in the Euro area has unexpectedly not slowed further. Developments in the various member states show significant disparities. Consumer prices in the Eurozone countries increased by 5.3% in…

Air Pollution: Greatest Health Risk

Smoking, alcohol, high-fat diets, and a lack of physical activity are all detrimental to health. However, the most significant threat is global air pollution. According to a new study, air pollution poses the most significant health risk, even more severe than alcohol…

Living Worm Found in Woman’s Brain

An Australian woman complained of health issues ranging from depression to forgetfulness over several months. Doctors eventually discovered a worm in her brain, typically found in pythons. In a hospital in Canberra, Australia, doctors successfully removed a living worm from the brain…

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